STEM Resources on Campus
Famous Women in STEM
Biology / Chemistry / Environmental Science
Physics / Math / Computer Science
Faculty Highlight

The Q&SC stands for the…

What is the Quantitative and Science Center?


An expert on wild chimpanzees and is known for species conservation

Who is Jane Goodall?


Both of these organelles contain their own DNA and can reproduce themselves

What are mitochondria and chloroplasts?


When surfaces slide or tend to slide over one another, this force occurs

What is Friction?


This professor studies modern coral reefs to better understand ancient reefs.

Who is professor de Wet? (Geosciences)


How do you make an appointment with the Q&SC Center?

What is through Inside F&M -> Academics -> Q&SC tutoring link -> Drop down menu -> Individual Appointments?


A physicist and chemist known for her research on radioactivity

Who is Marie Curie?


What is the term that describes a cell that is placed into a solution that has a lower solute concentration than the cell itself?

What is a hypotonic solution?


The tendency of things to resist change in motion

What is inertia?


This professor learned how to play the Great Highland bagpipes in college and played in the Wooster pipe band for two years

Who is professor Lytle? (Physics)


 This office at F&M is a great way to receive “free advising, professional development, networking opportunities and programs”

What is the Office of Student & Post-Graduate Development (OSPGD)? To find more information visit 


Known for her work on X-ray diffraction studies and the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA (She wasn't recognized directly for the findings)

Who is Rosalind Franklin?


Where are the most stable ecosystems found?

What are Oceans?


What is a line that measures the steepness of the graph

What is slope?


After this professor got her  tenure, her and her three sisters celebrated by climbing Machu Picchu.

Who is professor Weaver? (Math)


This OSPGD advisor is in charge of STEM Professions Advising and is available for appointments to “discuss all aspects of your professional development, including undergraduate research or internship opportunities, graduate school applications, career exploration, job searches, and career changes.”

Who is Mike Vitlip []? To make an appointment visit


A mathematician who worked on NASA’s early space missions and is one of the women that the movie Hidden Figures was based on

Who is Katherine Johnson?


The type of bond found in CH4, O2, and KCl respectively

What are covalent, covalent, and ionic bonds?


The name given to a basic binary unit

What is a bit?


This professor I loves teaching and learning languages. She was a Spanish double major and studied abroad in the Yucatán, and have tutored ESL for at least 9 years.

Who is professor Tasker? (Chemistry)


This OSPGD advisor is in charge of Health Professions Advising and is available for appointments to discuss “ways to become a competitive applicant, networking opportunities with alumni, how to spend the summer, and more.”

Who is Marissa Sheaf []? To make an appointment visit


Invented the first computer compiler and co-develop the COBOL, one of the earliest standardized computer languages (Hint: a Women in CS conference mention at the last meeting is named after her)

Who is Grace Hopper?


Which gases are responsible for the Greenhouse effect?

What are CO2, CH4, N2O, and CFC?


What stores running programs and other types of data on computers

What is computer memory?


This professor received her PhD in Molecular Evolution and Astrobiology.

Who is professor Blair? (Biology)