Accepted 100% of the time.
What is a hot guess?
LR >1
What is support for Hp (H1)?
Maximum number of observed alleles at a locus rounded up to nearest even number divided by two.
What is the minimum number of contributors?
Three main factors that dictate total allelic product.
What is template, degradation, and locus specific amplification efficiency?
Evaluation of STRmix results must always be done for this in the context of the profile itself and likely genotypes of major/minor contributors.
What is intuitiveness?
An algorithm based on standard mathematical principles that assigns a likelihood tor each genotype combination.
What is Markov chain Monte Carlo?
What is Bayes Theorem?
May lead to false exclusions of true contributors.
What is underestimating the NOC?
Mass parameter that increases with molecular weight.
What is degradation?
Weights, mixture proportions, and LRs.
What are primary diagnostics?
A proposed genotype combination.
What is an iteration?
What is the Likelihood Ratio?
May produce weak support for inclusion for non-contributors.
What is overestimating the NOC?
Mass parameters that are contributor specific.
What are degradation and template?
A negative value suggests that STRmix has not been able to describe the data very well.
What is the log(likelihood)?
What is the default number of accepts per chain?
Probability of observing the profile if H1 is true divided by the probaility of observing the profile if H2 is true.
What it the Likelihood Ratio?
Has a larger impact on trace contributors than on major contributors.
What is the mis-assignment of N?
Total allelic product subtracting the height due to back and forward stutter.
What is the expected height of an allele?
GR > 1.2
Chains have not converged. The variation between the chains is likely to be larger than the variation with the chains.
p1 / p0
What is the chance of accepting a cold guess?
The probability of someone other than the suspect being the souce of the DNA is...
What is the Prosecuter's Fallacy?
For an evidential sample this is always unknown and unknowable.
What is true N?
Slope x allele designation + intercept (where slope and intercept are derived from empirical studies)
What is stutter ratio?
Centered around the mode and modeled by a gamma distribution based on laboratory data.
What is allele and stutter variance?