Who is the sibling of Jonas?
Once I finished my paper Mrs. Smith made sure I sited my sources. Correct or Incorrect?
Incorrect the right answer is cite.
How tall is SpongeBob?
4 inches
What always ends everything?
The letter G
What is her baby's name?
What is The Giver's daughter named?
I ate dinner, than brushed my teeth. Correct or Incorrect?
Incorrect, answer is then.
What is Peppa Pig's favorite cake?
Chocolate cake
What has a head and a tail but no body?
A coin
Where did Mrs. Smith used to teach?
South Africa
What was the last memory Jonas gave to Gabriel?
Of sun
Dave had heard everyone of his mother's excuses. Correct or Incorrect?
Incorrect, the correct answer is every one.
How many bones are there in the human body?
What is the capital in France?
The letter F is the only capital letter in France
What is Mrs. Smith's favorite planet?
What did Jonas and Gabriel experience for the first time when they left the community?
Who did you see at school? Correct or Incorrect?
Incorrect, the correct answer is whom.
What is the capital of Canada?
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
Did Mrs. Smith climb a mountain and if so which one?
Yes, she climbed a mountain it is Mt. Kilimanjaro
What is Gabriel's comfort object?
A hippo
The performance effected tears from the audience. Correct or Incorrect?
What is Doc McStuffins real name?
There are two people who are dead in a cabin the woods. How did they die?
They crashed, it's a plane cabin.
What was the color of Mrs. Smith's first car?
Emerald green