Why Advocacy?
School & Administrators
Family Involvement

This term is defined as an educator working for ELs’ equitable and excellent education by taking appropriate actions on their behalf. 

What is advocacy for ELs?


The "circular" space in which one has significant influence.

What is sphere of influence?


Teachers should be skilled at lowering these barriers.

What are cognitive load, culture load, language load, and learning load.


This theory proposes that people are motivated by five basic categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. 

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? 


These tests have important consequences for the test taker.

What are high-stakes tests.


Socioeconomic status, access to academic English language, teacher preparation to work with English Learners, admin prep to work with English learners, lack of EL parent voice in their children’s educational experiences

What are factors that affect English learner academic achievement?

ESL teachers are this to their students.

What are cultural bridges?


In a recent survey this percent of teachers felt uneasy teaching the common core standards to their EL students.

What is 76%.


Educators should learn more about EL families and familiarize themselves with learner cultural backgrounds.

What is one method for educators to use for advocating for English Learner family involvement?


The ACCESS test covers speaking, listening, reading and another domain.

What is writing?


This instructional strategy is one that provides ELs an appropriate level of support as they access content material in a language in which they are developing proficiency.

What is scaffolding? 


Teachers must fight for space to do what three things to build collaboration among staff serving the ESL population?

What is meet, learn, and plan?


A system in which administrators determine if effective teaching is taking place.

What is teacher evaluation?


Language barriers, work demands, hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943), low/ poor communication to EL families from the school or district, cultural expectations regarding educational experiences or environments

What are factors that may prevent or inhibit parental involvement among english learner students?


A type of support that decrease the language barrier an ESL student may face when taking an assessment.

What are linguistic accommodations?