Gerund vs infinitive. Choose the right option
Correct the mistakes
Past tenses.
Correct the mistakes

It's a half-day on Friday so I'll stop to work/working at four.

It's a half-day on Friday so I'll stop WORKING at four.


If I will pass my entrance exams, I would be the happiest man in the world.

If I PASSED my entrance exams, I would be the happiest man in the world./ If I PASS my entrance exams, I WILL BE the happiest man in the world.


They were waiting for 2 hours already before you finally came.

They HAD BEEN WAITING for 2 hours already before you finally came.


Do you think we (may have added)/(don't have to add) too much water to your plant? It looks quite yellow.

Do you think we MAY HAVE ADDED too much water to your plant? It looks quite yellow.


The exam questions were very hard. It was impossible  answering/to answer them.

The exam questions were very hard. It was impossible TO ANSWER them.


If you had asked him yesterday, he would tell you everything.

If you had asked him yesterday, he WOULD HAVE TOLD you everything.


I already finished the conversation when they had arrived.

I HAD already finished the conversation when they arrived.


You ____  to work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.

You DON'T NEED /DON'T HAVE to work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.


I've got enough problems of my own without  having/have to worry about yours.

I've got enough problems of my own without  HAVING to worry about yours.


If I hadn't needed the car myself , I'd let you use it.

If I DIDN'T NEED the car myself, I'd let you use it.


My boss was entering the office when I was skyping my grandmother.

My boss ENTERED the office when I was skyping my grandmother.


You ______ driven so fast on such a busy road. It could ended badly.

You SHOULDN'T HAVE driven so fast on such a busy road. It could HAVE ended badly.


The police chief ordered his officers (keep/to keep) (to look/looking) for the escaped prisoner. 

The police chief ordered his officers TO KEEP LOOKING for the escaped prisoner.


If I had money when I was in college, I would spend it on an expensive convertible.

If I had HAD money when I was in college, I would HAVE SPENT it on an expensive convertible.


I had been wanting to try bungee jumping for a while before I had finally decided to do it.

I HAD WANTED to try bungee jumping for a while before I FINALLY DECIDED to do it.


It ________ been Jack at the mall yesterday. He didn't even say "Hi." Does he have a twin brother maybe?

It COULDN'T HAVE/ CAN'T HAVE been Jack at the mall yesterday. He didn't even say "Hi." Does he have a twin brother maybe?