Why a behavior occurs (instead of what the behavior looks like)
What is the function of a behavior?
Referring to a person's preferred communication form as nonvocal or alternative or atypical or special or nonspeaking
What are some examples of ableism?
“behavior reinforced through the mediation of other persons”... but these other persons “must be responding in ways which have been conditioned precisely in order to reinforce the behavior of the speaker.”
What is Skinner's definition of verbal behavior?
Signing to say hello to a friend; waving to say hello to a friend; sending an emoji via text to say hello to a friend; nodding to say hello to a friend.
What is a specific example of a group of responses that likely have the same reinforcer?
A nonableist and inclusive term to use when referring to a communication device (instead of calling it "alternative")
What accessible?
Focusing on the functional behavior of the communicator rather than structural models of language or innate symbolic processing mechanisms.
What was one of Skinner's major contributions to understanding language development?
A group of response topographies that look different but have the same function
What is a response class?
Using a bell curve or averages to determine what form of communication to teach.
What is an ableist approach to language development?
Determining stimuli that control the production of both specific and general occurrences of language.
What is a functional analysis of language?