How many judges are in the Bible?
How many commandments did God give to Moses on Mt. Sinai?
How many days did it take God to create the Heavens and the Earth?
Name 1 promise God gave to Abraham.
a son
A land
Make him into a great nation
Name 1 king of Israel
Saul, David, Solomon
Name 3 Judges in the Bible?
Deborah, Gideon, Samson
Name 2 plagues God sent to Egypt after Pharaoh refused to let God's people go?
water into blood
Livestock sickness
Death of 1st born
What did God do on the 7th day of the creation week?
He rested.
Who led Israel into the promised land?
Who was the 1st king of Israel?
Who was the only female judge mentioned in the Bible?
What book of the Bible comes before the book of Exodus?
What book of the Bible can we find the creation account?
Why did God send Moses to Egypt?
To set God's people free from slavery.
Why did the people want Saul to be their king?
He was physically tall, strong, and looked the part.
The Bible only gives the full story of 1 judge, from before their birth to their death. Who was this judge?
What book of the Bible comes after the book of Exodus?
On what day were land animals (including dinosaurs) and humans created?
day 6
Name 2 things the 12 spies saw when they went to scout out the Promised land?
giants, tall walls.
Milk, honey, fruit trees, rivers.
Who was the 2nd king of Israel?
Name the 4 stages in the cycle found in the book of Judges?
The people sinned
God sent consequences
The people cried out to God
God raised up a judge to lead them back to Him
What food did God provide for the Isrealites in the wilderness?
manna and quail.
Finish this verse. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the......"
heavens and the earth.
Out of the 12 spies that scouted out the promised land, how many trusted God would give them the land? Who were they?
2: Joshua and Caleb.
Why did God pick David to be the next king?
He had a heart after God's own heart.