This character Is the boss of the STAR fleet
Captain Star
What dose U.P. stand for
Union Pacific
This steam loco was the first to officially to go 100mph
Flying Scotsman
which engine was rebuilt into a black 5
This character is a scheming opportunist
one of the most popular and has a high crash record passenger company in the US
This steam loco Thomas's basis
this engine crashed into a bober shop
This character is LOVES dynamite
Billy Shoepack
The name of the company that tried to Nationalize US freight trains and had a blue an white livory
this steam loco was nicknamed "Ugly Ducklings"
the Q1 class
Henry's nonstop goods train
The Flying Kipper
This character DIES
Big Micky
this train coach is 142 ½ tons and had 2 escape hatches used for a very specific job
The presidents coach
This A4 was named after the chief engineer for the LNER
Sir Nigel Gresly
seasons 1-5
the classic series
This character is the only zed stack to get a spotlight episode
A man who died a hero on April 30th 1900
Casey Jones
This Steam loco went on a US tour from 1969-1972 and was almost lost forever
the flying scotsman
this characters tomy model on eBay sells for a ridiculous amount of money and sevrel memes about it
Tomy Oliver