Art & Technology
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Famous People

秦始皇 was the first emperor of this dynasty. 

What is the Qin Dynasty? (秦朝)


The writing of Chinese characters as an art form. 

What is calligraphy? (书法)


One of the most prominent poets during the Tang dynasty. The theme of nostalgia is conveyed in his poem "Thoughts in the Silent Night" (静夜思)

Who is Li Bai? (李白)


This was built along the northern borders to protect against nomadic invaders.

What is the Great Wall?


Founder of Confucianism.

Who is 孔子?


These two dynasties are regarded as China's Golden age for their arts, culture, and prosperity. (just name one)

What are the Tang and Song dynasties? (唐朝,宋朝)


These make up the Four Treasures of the Study. (文房四宝)

What is the brush, inkstick, paper, and inkstone? (笔,墨,纸,砚)


AKA Shu Qingchun (舒庆春). Best known for his novel Rickshaw Boy and the play Teahouse (茶馆)

Who is Lao She? (老舍)


Discovered by local farmers in 1974, this landmark was meant to protect the emperor in his afterlife.

What is the Terracotta Army?


The founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China. His mausoleum is guarded by the Terracotta Army.

Who is Qin Shi Huang? (秦始皇)


The last dynasty, which ruled from 1644 to 1912. The end of this dynasty was marked by the 1911 Revolution (辛亥革命).

What is the Qing Dynasty?(清朝)


This ancient trade route allowed exchange of ideas, arts and technology. The name comes from a product that was produced nearly exclusively by China.

What is the Silk Road? (丝绸之路)


This ancient Chinese book was a compilation of Confucius's (孔子) sayings and ideas. 

What are the Analects? (论语)


Located in Beijing, this served as the imperial palace and winter residence of the emperor from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty.

What is the Forbidden City?


The inventor of paper and the modern papermaking process.

Who is Cai Lun? (蔡伦)


This was the first Chinese dynasty.

What is the Xia Dynasty? (夏朝)


The Four Great Inventions (四大发明)

What is papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing? (造纸术,指南针,火药,和印刷术)


His poem Spring Morning (春晓) is one of the Tang dynasty's best-known poems.

Who is Meng Haoran? (孟浩然)


Located in Beijing, this collection of lakes, gardens, and palaces was an imperial garden in the Qing dynasty.

What is the Summer Palace? (颐和园)


Played an important role in 1911 Revolution (辛亥革命) and was the first leader of the Kuomintang (国民党)

Who is Sun Yat-Sen? (孙中山)


This dynasty ruled from 1368 to 1644 and was responsible for rebuilding and restoring major architectural landmarks like the Great Wall (长城) and Grand Canal (京杭大运河). (it starts with M)

What is the Ming Dynasty? (明朝)


During the Zhou dynasty, students were required to master these arts. This formed the basis of education in ancient China and became part of Confucian philosophy.

What are the Six Arts? (六艺: 礼,乐,射,御,书,数)


Named after a form of poetry originating in the State of Chu (楚), this was a collection of poetry attributed mainly to Qu Yuan (屈原) and Song Yu (宋玉) from the Warring States period (战国时代). One of the most well-known poems from this anthology is "The Lament" (离骚)

What are the Verses of Chu? (初次)


Located in an oasis containing Crescent Lake and Mingsha Shan (月牙泉和鸣沙山). Contains a number of Buddhist cave sites, one of the most notable ones being the Mogao Caves (莫高窟)

What is Dunhuang? (敦煌)


The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) commemorates this poet and minister.

Who is 屈原?