Here's Johnny
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This expedition was a successful mission on Mars. In the book it was the 4th expedition but in the movie it was the

What is the third expedition ??


This character caused Ben to leave her in the movie and she had an ego that was over the top and her beauty was very over the top as well. 

Who is Genevieve? 


Wilder meet up with K at the ruins. K seemed to be a ghost but gave advice for the future of Mars. 

What is take life as it comes and forget about the past? 


Bradbury was asked what influenced him to write the Martian Chronicles. 

What is Buck Rodgers and sci fi comic books? 

This book 451 Fahrenheit was about carefully using proper words, but ironically his editor did this to this book. 

What is censorship? 


This expedition was a complete failure. This main character made it horrible for the earthlings. He killed this character, Nathaniel York due to jealousy and his wife's dreams. 

What is the first expedition and Mr. K? 


This character - planted apple trees and was known as a folk lore Johnny Appleseed. He planted the trees due to his breathing on Mars. 

Who is Ben Driscoll? 


The meeting between K and Wilder changed Wilder's perspective on life. 

What is burn earthly belongings and destroy the spaceship?


Bradbury felt that Mars and the moon would due this very soon. But he also had doubts due to the present president. 

What is colonization? 


Father P and Stone were wanting to create something similar to what happened on earth when people would colonize. 

What is Christianize? 


This expedition/place had earthlings or astronauts believing that their family was still alive. 

What is Green Bluffs, Illinois and the 2nd expedition? 


This character hit an astronaut in the chops because he was littering and christening the Rockefeller Canal. 

Who is Spender? 


Wilder took his family to a new place on Mars. He told his wife that they would be making changes in their lives and that they would leave their current address. 

What is camping and becoming the New Martians? 


Bradbury was friends with many celebrities, one such celebrity was a professor at Cornell. 

Who is Carl Sagan? 


Father P saw three blue spheres in the sky. One of the spheres talked to him. 

Who was the trinity? The father, son, and holy spirit. 


This expedition made one of the earthling characters eat chocolate pudding. He  questioned the Martians (family) how could they be his family. Mr. K revealed himself as the brother and soon after Black died. 

What is the second expedition? 


This character wanted to meet the Martians and was lucky enough to meet him at the ruins. 

Who is Colonel Wilder? 


Marie and Robert wanted to see someone. Their parents told them to be patient. 

Who or what are the new Martians? 


This was mentioned on the show that Martian Chronicles was going to appear in what city as an off Broadway play and watched by Carl Sagan. 

What is Los Angeles? 


Bradbury liked this planet vs other planets. 

What is Mars? 


This expedition was successful - and the earthlings like Cherokee, Parkhill, and Wilder celebrated once they got to Mars. 

What is the third expedition in the movie and in the book fourth? 


This character had a wife and daughter that died. But he missed his wife and daughter so he made a replica of them. When he died, they didn't understand the meaning of death. 

Who is Mr. Hathaway? 


Spender wanted to kill the astronauts due to their ideas to destroy the planet. But this character shot and killed him. 

Who is Wilder? 


Martian Chronicles was release as a book this particular year. 

What is 1950?


Buck Rodgers was a character or a real person. 

What is a character?