This insect has an abdomen, six legs, and a thorax. What is it?
What is ant?
What order do moths belong in?
What is Lepidoptera?
True or False:
Cockroaches instantly die once decapitated.
What is False? Cockroaches can live up to a week without there heads.
Where are most centipedes located?
What is deserts?
Where were ants evolved from?
What is Symphyta?
This insect is colorful in order to scare away predators. What is it?
What is ladybug?
What is the order of a termite?
What is Blattodea?
True or False:
Female crickets do not chirp.
What is True?
Female crickets do not chirp.
What continent are snakeflies located in?
What is western North America?
Estimate how many years ago beetles were evolved?
What is 300 million years ago?
This insect's body is divided into 14 parts including the head. What is it?
What is silkworm?
What is the name of the order that comprises crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts?
What is Orthoptera?
True or False:
Bees have five eyes.
What is true? Bees are able to see their nectar clearly.
What are mosquitoes mostly around? Water or trees?
What is water?
What insect did fleas evolve from?
What is scorpionflies?
This insect has wings that are used to chirp by rubbing their wings together. What is it?
What is cricket?
What order do beetles belong to?
What is Coleoptera?
True or False:
Ladybugs don't eat fruit flies.
What is false? Ladybugs do in fact eat fruit flies.
What climate do butterflies prefer to be in?
What is warm?
Who is the ancestor of a cockroach?
What is Archimylacris eggintoni?
This insect has a visceral hump. What is it?
What is snail?
What is the order of a butterfly?
What is Lepidoptera?
True or False:
Dragonflies can only catch prey on flat surfaces.
What is false? Dragonflies can catch prey in mid air.
What is the only continent that doesn't have ants?
What is Antarctica?
Estimate how many years ago grasshoppers were evolved?
What is 60 million years?