How many holes are in a full round of golf?
What goes up but never comes down?
How did the Giver's name become revealed?
Jonas asks what he should call him
Who wrote the story "The Lottery"?
Shirley Jackson
What memory does Jonas dream about?
Sledding down a hill
Which Italian city is famous for a leaning tower?
What has many words but never speaks?
A book
Where does the Giver's wife live?
With the other childless adults
What was the name of Tessie's best friend in The Lottery?
Mrs. Dellacroix
What color did Fiona's hair turn?
Who is the author of The Giver?
Lois Lowry
What month of the year has 28 days?
According to the Giver which two things are not the same?
Power and honor
In which of Edgar Allan Poe's stories was the main character angry about another character's eye?
The Tell Tale Heart
What are major differences between the book and the movie?
Jobs & Ages
What is my favorite book?
Looking for Alaska
What has to be broken before you can use it?
An egg
What is Fiona's job IN THE BOOK?
Works at the House of the Old
Love and Jealousy
What memory does the Giver show Jonas that upsets him?
The elephant being poached
“Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack _______.” What is the next line?
Jack jump over the candlestick
What can't talk but can reply when spoken to?
An echo
What is Asher's job?
Assistant Director of Rehabilitation
What is the name of the woman in the poem that Edgar Allan Poe wrote about his wife?
Annabel Lee
Why does Jonas feel isolated?
Answers will vary.