1D Kinematics
2D Kinematics
Ramps and Pulleys
Forces Concepts

In the absence of air resistance, a ball dropped near the surface of the Earth experiences a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 . This means that the

speed of the object increases 9.8 m/s during each second


What is the velocity of a projectile at the top of it's motion? 

Equal to it's initial horizontal velocity. 


A block of mass m is at rest on an inclined plane that makes an angle of 30º with the horizontal, as shown in the figure.  What is the static friction force? 

fs = mg*sin(30)


What quantity is a measure of the resistance of an object to a change in motion? 



What team was Matt Ryan traded to?

Indianapolis Colts 


A particle moves along the x-axis with an acceleration described by a = 6t, where a is in meters per second squared and t is in seconds. If at time to = 0 xo = 0 and vo = 0, how fast does the particle move when t = 2 seconds?

12 m/s


A dolphin leaps out of the water at an angle of 33° above the horizontal. The horizontal component of the dolphin's velocity is 8.1 m/s. Find the magnitude of the vertical component of the velocity.

5.26 m/s


A frictionless pulley of negligible mass is hung from the ceiling using a rope, also of negligible mass. Two masses, m1 and m2 (m1 < m2), are connected to the rope over the pulley. The masses are free to drop. The magnitude of the tension Ttop is ____ the sum of the tensions T1 and T2.

Equal to


A person of weight w is in an upward-moving elevator when the cable suddenly breaks.  What is the person's apparent weight immediately after the elevator starts to fall?



Which movie has become the first film to cost $200 million and to earn more than $1 billion worldwide?



The following function represents the path taken by an object: x=4t2 -3t+2 where x is the object’s position and t is time. What is the instantaneous velocity of the object at t=3?

21 m/s


An object is launched with an initial velocity of 10 meters per second from the ground level at an angle of 53° above the horizontal. 

What are the horizontal and vertical components of the ball’s velocity at the beginning of its flight?

6 m/s, 8 m/s


Two blocks of mass m1=1 kg and m2=2 kg are placed on a 300 incline. The coefficients of friction between m1, m2, and the incline are 0.1 and 0.2, respectively. Determine the acceleration of each block down the incline.

4.05, 3.2


A box sits on an inclined plane without sliding.  As the angle of inclination increases, the normal force



Who did Peter Parker famously kiss upside down in Spider-man?

Mary Jane Watson


The velocity as a function of time of a moving particle is given: v = α+ βt2 , where α and β are constants and t is time in seconds. How far does the particle move during first 3 seconds?

 3α+ 9β


An object moves in a straight line and experiences an acceleration given by the formula a = - 2 t. At time t = 0 object’s velocity is 4 m/s in the positive direction. At what time does the object instantaneously come to rest?

2 seconds


Masses are hung on a light string attached to an ideal massless pulley. The total mass hanging from the left string is equal to that on the right. At time t=0, the 0.2-kg mass is moved from the left to the right side of the pulley. How far does each mass move in one second?

1 meter


A lamp of mass m hangs from a spring scale that is attached to the ceiling of an elevator.  When the elevator is stopped at the fortieth floor, the scale reads mg.  What does it read as the elevator slows down to stop at the forty-fifth floor?

Less than mg


Who is Wonder Woman's father?



The velocity as a function of time of a moving particle is given: v = α+ βt2 , where α and β are constants and t is time in seconds. What is the acceleration of the particle at 3 s?


A projectile is launched from the top of a cliff above level ground. At launch the projectile is 35 meters above the base of the cliff and has a velocity of 50 meters per second at an angle 37° with the horizontal. Air resistance is negligible.
Calculate the speed of the projectile right before it strikes the ground.

v = 56.6 m/s


m1 = 5 kg and m2 = 8 kg. A block of mass m1 is on a ramp that is inclined at 20° above the horizontal. It is connected by a string to a block of mass m2 that hangs over the top edge of the ramp. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the incline and the m1 block is 0.22. What is the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string?

a=3.96 m/s^2


Four identical blocks are moving on a surface for which the coefficient of kinetic friction between each block and the surface is µk.  The velocity of each block is indicated by the vector on the block.  For which block is the force of friction between the surface and the block greatest?

All the same


What does a Scoville unit measure?
