Priest and Nuns
Jepordize, answer in jeropdize form (Positive breaker)

Clergy is people trained in France to lead political organizations in France? True or False



The first Quebec bishop was ______.

Francois de laval


What were the roles of the Jesuit priest?

They were the religious orders that sent missionaries to New france


The first Canadian bishop

Who is Francois de Laval?


The Roman catholic church didn't influence the government and the education (True or False)



The first seminary was opened in ____ by Francois de Montmorency-Laval



The lay organization is formed by the clergy. True or False

False, it's formed by non-clergy.


The location of the first Quebec Seminary.

Where is Quebec City?


What were the roles of Jesuit Priests? (Extended Answers)

Jesuit Priests were the religious orders that sent missionaries to New France. They were in the society of Jesus called Jesus. Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuit Priest in 1534. His goal was to promote Roman Catholicism to first nations people and to give education to boys. They had schools in some of the settlements and sent missionaries to the First Nations people.


Why would Laval believe King’s authority was bigger than the pope's even though the pope said he ruled beyond the soul?

Laval believed the king’s authority was bigger than the pope's.  It was tough for Laval to pick sides from King’s side or Pope’s side. He was told that Kings were appointed by God but Popes said the kings might rule the earth but the pope rule your soul. Laval eventually believed that the king’s law was important and helped France and his kingdom.


What did the priests do in New France?

They had religious services and taught kids. They celebrated mass and hosted funerals and marriages.


Laval was ___ years old when he started the first seminary.

When is 40 years old?


Unscramble the following sentence 

aren’t who Lay clergy are organizations people    religious

Lay organizations are religious people who aren’t clergy


Why might Laval's major goal was to create a diocese of Quebec (2 answers)

He wanted to increase the areas of churches that were led by a bishop. He could reduce lay control of the clergy so he set up a Church court.


What were the roles of the Ursuline Nuns?

The Ursuline Nuns gave education to daughters of settlers or first nations. Before it was founded, schools were only for boys to be lawyers, doctors, or priests. It all started when Marie Martin, a widow went to Ursulines to become a nun. She believed her destiny was to convince first nations people to Christianity. She built Marie de l'Incarnation and their roles were to help catholic church in Quebec to give girls education.


______ started the schools for girls in New France.

Who were the Ursulines Nuns?


What are the certain rights Roman Catholic Church still has?

They have separate sections like the Catholic school system in some places.


Who was the successor of Francois de Laval as the 2nd bishop of Quebec?

Jean-Baptiste de la Croix de Chevrières de Saint-Valier is his successor. He served from 1688-1727


Where were the schools for girls in New France? 

List 2 answers

Quebec and Trois Rivieres


The last french bishop in New France is ______.

Who was Henri-Marie Dubreil de Pontbriand?