Involves two programmers at a single workstation. At any given point in time, one is writing code and the other is actively observing, watching for possible errors
but also thinking about the overall approach.
pair programming
Documentation that enables programmers who later have to modify the program to understand the code.
technical documentation
An activity that will cause a change in the state of the system being modeled.
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Hacking that is intended as political activism.
A computational modeling technique that simulates the behavior of a system only at discrete points in time.
discrete event simulation
A procedure for using a computational model to improve the design of an actual system by continually resetting model parameters to improve system performance.
computational steering
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Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog
If anything is changed on an already-tested module, regression testing is done to be sure that this change has not introduced a new error into code that was previously correct
regression testing
Designing a special set of test cases and running the program using these test data.
Empirical testing
An error that occurs when the program is run using certain sets of data that result in some illegal operation, such as dividing by zero
runtime error
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A well-written, efficient, and thoroughly tested code module that is separately compiled and then drawn on by any program that wishes to use its capabilities-
external library
A model of a system using mathematical equations that describe system performance as a continuous function of time
continuous model
The resulting object code after a linker inserts requested code from code libraries.
Executable Module
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-An approach to software development that emphasizes a flexible and ready response to meet a shifting target.
Agile software
The entity (machine, robot, person, or thing) that executes the steps of an algorithm.
computing agent
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