She delivered the iconic line "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
Dorothy (Judy Garland)
Start spreading the news, this place is often referred to as "the greatest city in the world".
New York City
Want to get your crush's attention? Try logging off and back on to this chat platform and see if they say "Hey".
MSN Messenger
Garfield the cat absolutely adores this loaded pasta dish.
You saw them wearing a certain type of jeans on Instagram, so you buy the same pair of jeans in the hopes you can also have their life.
Ouch! This actor is the latest in a list of prior winners who has been banned from attending Academy Awards ceremonies.
Will Smith
The only country that also doubles as a continent, this place is home to wombats and wallabies.
An egg-shaped virtual pet you could keep in your pocket, pencil case, or backpack strap.
Made up of 3 ingredients, this is Canada's "national dish".
They can deliver you home, or they can deliver your late-night burrito home (home to your belly).
Uber driver
This Alfred Hitchcock thriller was known for its infamous shower scene.
Back in 2019 (the "Before" times), this was the most-visited country in the world.
A magical time of year when your school transforms into a pop-up Chapters/Indigo.
Scholastic Book Fair
The price of a hot dog at this store's food court is still $1.50 (despite inflation!), the same price it cost 37 years ago.
Like a radio show host, except they can do it from their living room, and pretty much anyone is qualified for it.
This film has been remade 4 times: in 1937, 1954, 1976, and 2018 (starring one Mr. Bradley Cooper).
A Star is Born
This country is known as the "Land of the Midnight Sun" because the sun continually shines (and never goes down) between April and August.
It was believed that collecting these limited-edition plushies would one day make you a millionaire.
Beanie Babies
A viral Korean food trend where a person live-streams themselves binge eating for captivated audiences.
This person helps you compose an enticing resume for finding love online.
Dating profile writer
This is the highest-grossing movie of all time *when* taking inflation into account.
Gone With the Wind
The Salt Flats in this country flood every year during the rainy season, creating the largest "natural mirror on earth".
This snack was literally sugar in gel form that oozed out of brightly packaged toothpaste-like tubes.
Squeeze Pop
This word is Japanese for "I leave it up to you". It's a type of meal where the chef selects each course for the diner.
This person is in charge of creating content, responding to comments, and turning cultural moments into memes on behalf of brands.
Social media manager