the breed most often used in horse racing
What is a thouroughbred?
The part that goes on first
What is a saddle pad
The part that allows the horse to see
What are the eyes?
The soft part of a horses foot
part that goes into the horses mouth
what is the bit?
what horse is fastest at a quarter-mile distance?
What is a Quarterhorse?
The part that straps the saddle on
What is the girth
The top of the neck
What is the crest?
the most outside part of a horse's hoof
What is a hoof wall?
The things you hold onto
what are reins?
The breed of the Budweiser horse
What is a Clydesdale?
the part you put your foot into
what is the stirrup?
The lower part of a horses leg
What is the cannon?
The main bone in a horses foot
What is the coffin bone?
The strap that goes behind the horse's chin
what is the curb strap?
This is a coat color and a breed
What is a palomino?
The part on the front of the saddle you can hold
what is the horn?
The spot on top of the horse's head, an imaginary line running vertically through the horse's eyes
What is the poll?
the top line of the horse's hoof
what is the coronet band?
Piece of the bridle that does across top of eyes
what is the brow band?
What is the most common cart-horse breed?
The back of the seat
What is the cantle?
The base of the horses tail
What is the dock?
disease of the laminae in the hoof
what is laminitis?
Piece of the bridle that goes behind the ears and puts pressure on the poll
What is the crown piece?