Literature Characters
British Literature
Hodge Podge
Animal Farm

Basic way an individual looks at life; the grid through which he sees the world

Worldview or presuppositions
That which a person considers to be the truth of what exists


He said, "We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner." But he went on the adventure anyways and later said 'It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,' 'You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to.'

Who is Bilbo Baggins


In this book humanity is described as 'bent'

What is the Silent Planet by CS Lewis


This is a chosen relationship or partnership in which two parties make binding promises to each other and work together to reach a common goal. They’re often accompanied by oaths, signs, and ceremonies. 

What is a covenant?


How we classify living organisms? (Linnaeus taxons)

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species  

Some add Domain Above Kingdom


Tell me about the Reformation

1517; started  by Martin Luther- 95 theses- wanted to reform the Catholic church; return to biblical teaching


What was the allegory of Animal farm representing?

Russian Revolution; Lenin/Stalin

The reason that Schaefer said that a culture and freedoms would collapse.  And his view of why Rome Fell.  (Analogy of the Roman Bridge.)

A weak base /No sufficient inward base


He carried a shield like the one above that represented the 5 virtues of a knight- friendship, generosity, chastity, courage, piety

Who is Sir Gawain

What was the symbolism of the Spilled Wine in this book by Charles Dickens.

Blood of the Aristocracy in the French Revolution in a Tale of Two Cities


These are some of the Biblical covenants

Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic

And the Most important the New Covenant


Two Major Kinds of cells

What are Eukaryote and Prokaryote:
Page 142- What is the difference


Kidnapped by pirates he laughed at their ransom request, encouraged them to make it more ; he later expanded the Roman Empire and conquered Gaul.

Who was Julius Caesar

Whose and What real ideas were represented by Old Major?

Karl Mark- Communist Manifesto


In Raphael's Painting The School of Athens Plato points up and Aristotle Points down. What does Schaefer say this represents

Plato points up to absolutes/Universal Ideas
Aristotle Points Down to particulars/individual things

Acc. to Shaf. T.Aquinas brought emphasis on particulars in to the philosphy and set the stage for humanistic elements of the Renaissance


Due to his poor choices he becomes blind and ends up in financial ruin but sees his sin and the errors of his ways and turned to God with many passionate supplications and was redeemed both spiritually and physically and emotionally; saying he acknowledged God had tempered judgement with mercy

Who was Mr. Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


The Author said he was trying to "Justify the ways of God to Men" in this book and satan said in this blank verse poem (Non-rhyming) that it was "better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven"

What is Paradise Lost by Milton


These are the 2 greatest commandements

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


This is the science that studies how characteristics are passed from parents to offspring

What is Genetics


The 2 impoverished values of modern society according to Schaefer

Personal Peace and Affluence
What did Squealer represent?

Propaganda machine; controlling people through information


What is Humanism acc to Schaefer?

man starting from himself/ man center of all things; autonomous man ; Acc. to F.Sch. Renaissance Humanism had no way to bring forth ultimate meaning to the particulars because it was divorced from universals.


Name the Two Characters: He was 'recalled to life' early in the book and this character was 'recalled to life' by his sacrifice at the end

Who was Dr. Manette and Sydney Carton


Well why shouldn't we eat the children? It is only logical

What is A Modest Proposal- by Jonathon Swift


These are the fruits of the spirit as described by Paul in Galatians chapter 5

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”


This is the process by which a diploid 2n cell forms gametes (haploid 1n cells)

What is Meiosis


What is Materialism?

Stuff of the cosmos is all there is; is no supernatural or anything outside of the cosmos; No higher power or absolutes; Closed System; Cosmic machine


Communist Slogan popularized by Karl Marx

Each according to his ability to each according to his needs


Some of the reasons for the rise of Scientific Study and the Scientific Revolution

God- Cosmos created by a reasonable God,
therefore Cosmos is orderly and logical
People created Imago Dei and can learn, discover, and know; we are capable of comprehending
God revealed himself in creation and as Christians learning about creation was investigating the nature of God

He said "She is Tolerable" and against his better judgement offered his hand in marriage to Elizabeth Bennet

Who is Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride and Prejudice


This book described India as a 'Muddle' perhaps because Hinduism has many gods lacks unity in ideology- lacking absolutes causing confusion and chaos and there is no reliance on verbal truth

What is A Passage to India


This is the armor of God described by Paul in Ephesians 6

Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Feet fitted with readiness (comes from gospel of peace)
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit

AND PRAY in the Spirit and on all occasions


This is the process of asexual reproduction in eukaryotic cells

What is mitosis


Consequences of Materialism

Moral Relativity; No absolute values
Loss of Humanity; Humans are only machines; God is dead ; No Free will; No place for Morals and Love ; Man becomes a zero and life devoid of meaning


What was the Cold War? What are some basics of the cold War?

Tension between the Western Ideas/US and Soviet Union; Conflicts of ideas between Communism and Capitalism; From 1947-1991; Threat of Nuclear War; Space Race; 


How Shall we Then Live? is the Series title.  In Episode 10 Schaefer gives 2 alternatives to the Two impoverished values;
1. imposed order; what was the other; how does Schaefer answer his question

He says we should return to God of the bilb- the basis that gave us "forms" /structure and freedoms; We should be committed to truth; an infinite God who is the creator of all things; acceptance of Christ as Savior and we live under the Moral Absolutes of the Bible


This Geatish warrior defeats the enemy of the Danes but eventually loses his life in battle with a dragon

Who is Beowulf


In this book, representing a true part of history,  because of apathy, corruption, pride, snobbery, and unjust laws the lower classes are impoverished and harbor revenge and hatred resulting in a bloody revolution.

What is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens


These are some evidence for the Resurrection

Witnesses to Death and then seen alive
Empty Tomb
Short time frame between actual events and eyewitness claims
Pauls miraculous conversion
Transformation of disciples- Fear to martyrdom
Roman Guards- 


The two major groups that Kingdom Animalia is split into-

What are Invertebrates and Vertebrates


In Greek Nomos means? And therefore Autonomous means

Nomos is Law; Autonomy/autonomous is Self Law


This was the CIA Mission and code name of the operation to get information and banned books including Animal Farm and Gulag Archipelago behind enemy lines in attempt to undermine Stalinism and Communism in the Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union 
