Main Idea
Context Clues
Drawing Conclusions

Camp Fire is a group that helps young people. Both boys and girls can belong to it. Everyone in the group learns by doing things. Sometimes these young people camp outside and cook dinner over a fire. They also help people. At times they just have fun together. they learn how to share and make friends. 

This story is mainly about.... 

a. when young people have fun 

b. who cooks over a camp fire 

c. how young people learn from Camp Fire 

d. how only girls belong to the group

What is c


Pluto is the planet farthest from the sun. Not much is known about the DISTANT planet. It is quite cold there since it is so far from the sun. Scientists don't think that there is any life on Pluto. 

In this paragraph, the word distant means... 

a. faraway 

b. nearby 

c. lucky 

d. pleasant

What is a


Most desert plants have sharp stickers. These spines help the desert plant drink water. Morning mist forms big drops on these stickers. When the drops fall, the plant drinks the water. The spines also make the hot desert winds circle around the plan. This keeps the wind from taking the pant's water. 

From the story you can tell that.. 

a. most desert plants need spins to live 

b. the spines on desert plants do not help them 

c. desert plants do not live very long 

d. the wind does not blow in the desert

What is a


Jim carefully lifted the eggs from their box. He handed two eggs to his mother. Then Jim measured a cup of milk, being careful not to spill any. He rubbed the pan with butter and watched as his mother poured in the batter. Then Jim and his mother cleaned up. 

Which of these sentences is probably true? 

a. Jim was a good helper. 

b. Jim's mother was a bad cook. 

c. Jim was hungry. 

d. Jim's mother was lazy.

What is a


Give an example of an "alliteration"

Responses will vary


Too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad. This seems to be the case with California. The weather there is warm, dry, and never too hot or cold. It's easy to get to the ocean or to one of its many beaches. But now there are too many people living in California. Its roads are filled with cars. And its beaches are always too crowded. 

The main idea of this selection is... 

a. which people moved t o California 

b. how people love California too much 

c. when it's hard driving on the road 

d. how California beaches are dirty

What is b


The bush baby is an animal that lives in the African forests. It sleeps during the day. At night it wakens from its SLUMBER. the bush baby has large eyes. It can see in the dark. It leaps among tree branches to find food. 

What is the meaning of the slumber as used in this paragraph? 

a. lunch 

b. sleep 

c. log 

d. address

What is b


The War of 1812 was a strange war. It started when British ships stopped some American ships. The angry Americans warned the British to be careful. The British agreed to stop making so much trouble. But there were no telephones at that time. So the new didn't get to America very quickly. Just two days after the British agreed to stop causing trouble, the Americans started the war. 

From this story you can tell that... 

a. telephones might have kept the war from starting

 b. the Americans liked fighting wars back then 

c. the Americans did not have very many ships 

d. the Americans never warned the British

What is a


Marion Morrison was born in 1907. He few up on a small town in Iowa. When he got older, he moved to California. There he began to make movies. He often played the part of a tough cowboy. He decided to change his name. His new name was John Wayne. He soon became a famous star. 

Which of these sentences is probably true? 

a. Marion's mother was names Mrs. Wayne. 

b. Marion changed his name to Sam. 

c. Marion's father was a tough cowboy. 

d. Marion thought John Wayne was a better name for a cowboy.

What is d


Which of the following is the BEST definition of theme?

A. what a story is mostly about

B. the lesson or moral learned 

C. the main idea of a text

D. something that the main character goes through

What is B


Pet dogs do some things that wild dogs do. Wild dogs eat very quickly. They must eat quickly because other animals can take their food away. Pet dogs don't usually have this problem, but they still eat quickly. Wild dogs have to make their own beds. so they walk around and around in the grass to make it flat. pet dogs also turn around and few times before they lie down. 

What is this paragraph mostly about? 

a. who walks around in circles 

b. how pet dogs and wild dogs are alike 

c. how wild dogs make their beds 

d. how pet dogs eat slowly

What is b


A cartoon is a HUMOROUS way to tell a story or make a point. A cartoon can be a drawing or a set of drawings. A cartoon may have words with the picture. But the words are not always needed. 

What does the humorous mean? 

a. cozy 

b. dangerous 

c. funny 

d. thirsty

What is c


The faces of rulers appear on English coins. But each new ruler faces in a different direction from the ruler before him or her. this practice began more than three hundred years ago. At that time Charles II was king. He did not like the ruler before him. So he ordered that his face point in the opposite direction on the coins. 

This practice has continued through the years. From this story you can tell that... 

a. Charles II began a new practice 

b. all English coins look alike 

c. Charles II liked the ruler before him 

d. English coins are made from old mirrors

What is a


Jan was always playing basketball. In fact, she almost never left the basketball court. Jan started practicing early ever morning. As the sun went down, Jan was still bouncing the basketball. 

Which of these sentences is probably true? 

a. Jan Slept at the basketball court. 

b. Tennis was very important to Jan. 

c. Jan wanted to be a great basketball player. 

d. The basketball was too big to bounce inside.

What is c


All of the following are examples of figurative language EXCEPT 

A. Similes

B. Hyberbole

C. Pronouns

D. Alliteration

What is D

Most of us feel angry at times. Anger is a normal human feeling, like happiness or sadness. But anger can be harmful. There is a chance real anger might hurt others. Doctors say it can even make us sick. Counting to ten is a good way to cool our anger. Then we can think about things in a clear way. 

What is this paragraph mainly about? 

a. why people get angry 

b. how to count to ten 

c. that anger can be harmful 

d. how to thing clearly

What is c


Long ago, vessels crossed the water from Northern Europe to other countries. They carried Viking warriors. At first the Vikings fought with people. Then the Vikings decided to trade. They set up many new trade centers. 

In this paragraph, what does the word vessels mean? 

a. whales 

b. bottles 

c. horses 

d. ships

What is d


"Don't jump!" the firefighters shouted. The woman stood at a window on the eleventh floor. The fire burned behind her. She was very scared. The firefighters climbed to the twelfth floor. one of them found and old hose in the hallway. "Tie this to me," he said. "" I'll climb out the window. She'll see that we are near, and maybe she won't jump." Because of this the woman's life was saved. 

From this story you can tell that... 

a. the fire was on the twelfth floor of the building 

b. the jump would have killed the woman 

c. the woman had to go to the hospital 

d. the woman wasn't scared at all

What is b


Nan was helping her uncle on the farm. He was loading the truck with hay for the cows. Nan's uncle threw a rope over the bales of hay. He told nan to tie the rope carefully. But Nan only tied a loose knot. Then she hurried of f to get a cool drink. Which of these sentences is probably true? 

a. All the cool drinks were already gone. 

b. The rope tightened itself. 

c. The knot came untied. 

d. The cool drink made Nan sick.

What is D


The following are examples of what?


Bold Text



Text Features


Chalk comes from one-celled animals that lives in the ocean. It has a shell made of line. When the animal dies, its shell falls to the floor of the ocean. A layer of these shells builds up. It takes millions of years for one layer of shells to form. From this layer of shells comes a soft limestone used to make chalk. 

This is the main idea of this selection? 

a. how chalk is used 

b. where shells are made 

c. about the limestone used to make chalk 

d. about a one-celled animal

What is c


Wild flowers grow in many environments. Some are found in woods or fields. Others grow on mountains or in streams and ponds. Wild flowers can growl in the desert, too. 

What does the word environments mean in this paragraph? 

a. settings 

b. blossoms 

c. oceans 

d. insects

What is A


The oldest trees on Earth are in the pine family. They are known as bristlecone pines. These pines can ne found high in the White Mountains. These mountains are found in California. Some of these trees are more than four thousand years old. 

The story tells that bristlecone pines... 

a. do not live very long 

b. grow very tall 

c. are found at a high altitude 

d. grow in Canada

What is C


When Babe Ruth was a boy, he was very poor. He had many problems. He got in fights with other boys, and often he lost. At last he was sent to St. Mary's School. There he met Brother Gilbert. Brother Gilbert discovered the one thing that would keep Babe out of trouble. He introduced him to baseball. 

Which of these sentences is probably true? 

a. Baseball got Babe Ruth in trouble. 

b. Babe Ruth loved playing baseball 

c. Baseball made Babe Ruth poor. 

d. Babe Ruth liked fighting more than playing baseball.

What is B


What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?

How are they alike?

Metaphors and simile BOTH make comparisons between two or more things HOWEVER, metaphors do not use LIKE or AS