Speed & Energy
Collisions & Energy Transfer
Energy Transfer & Engineering
Heat Energy and Transfer
Renewable Energy

Olympic athletes usually eat a lot of food for breakfast so they move quickly by storing this...

What is energy? 

When competing in a sled race down hill, everyone is at different parts of the hill. Mateo is highest up the hill, Katy is below him, and Robb is the lowest on the hill. Mateo wins the race because of this...

What is stored energy, the higher the slope, the fast it goes downhill.


The first hill of a rollercoaster is always the highest because of this reason...

What is energy stored to go fast?


Is it true that energy comes in many forms? 

Yes, true. 


This type of pollution can cause something called smog....

What is air pollution? 


In order things to release energy, they must do what first?

What is store energy? 


If Robb wants his sled to go faster than Mateo, he should go to this location on the hill...

What is the highest point to store energy. 


The second hill of a roller coaster cannot be higher than the first because of this reason...

The rollercoaster will not have the energy to make it up the hill. 


This type of heat energy contains stored energy, can burn, and releases heat. 

What is fuel? 


This type of energy source has to be burned in order to release energy....

What is coal? 


In order for the Twist O Matic ride to go super fast, it will need this type of rubber band. 

What is a thick rubber band? 


If Camilia is playing pool and she hits the 5 ball to the 7 ball and the 7 ball then moves because of what type of energy? 

What is transfer energy? 


When Rafael put the black marble at the highest point of the hill and released it, it hit the gray marble at the bottom of the hill but the marbles did not move after that because of this...

What is the black marble hits the gray marble that has no energy therefore, the black marble losing energy. 

We know when stored heat energy is being released because this happens....

What is objects move, give off heat, make noise, give off light, fire burns etc. 


The most common source of energy used by towns and cities today is called this..

What is burnable fuels? 

Ride A takes longer to spin around than Ride B because the spring/rubber band is small meaning what for energy?

What is the smaller the spring, the less energy it stores.