A body of air in a large area develops of pressure,humidity and temperature.
Air mass
Gas on top of more gas surrounding earth
A chart with weather conditions
Weather Map
What is one of China´s famous landmarks
Where Coronavirus 19 was first found.
A border between moving cold air and hot air.
Cold Front
continuous, predictable, directional movement of seawater driven by gravity, wind (Coriolis Effect), and water density.
Ocean currents
similar weather for many days.
Weather Patterns
Most popular fruit in Thailand
When the black death happened
1346 – 1352
Prediction of the weather
based on chance
Average age limit in the USA.
What is japans currency called.
Japanese yen
Who is the 16th president of the united states of america
Abraham Lincoln
Earth`s landscape
Land form
Borders between moving warm air and cooler air.
Warm front
What Sussy baka stand for
Suspicious Fool or Sus idiot
Who founded Buddhism from India
Gautama Buddha
How old is never gonna give you up
27 July 1987
Winds use to transfer due to unequal heating of the earth.
Global winds
The day to day state of the atmosphere
What is the longest word in the world
How many countries in Asia
How memes are shared in the world
1 Million