This marketing signage concept is installed at new and rebid schools.
What is Think Big Kitchen?
This is the primary communication piece sent out over summer.
What is the SLA Narrative?
This piece of marketing collateral should be in the dining room on display during promotions.
What is a poster stand?
In preparation for Open House/Orientation, Marketing needs AMs/RMs to request paper copies of the Narrative this far in advance.
What is 2 weeks in advance of the date needed.
This 18"x24" item needs to be on display during a promotion.
What are promotion posters?
This form must completed prior to receiving the new Think Big Kitchen marketing signage.
What is the Marketing Pre-install form?
Each month, Marketing sends these digital assets to every school for them to post and share with their families.
What is social media graphics?
This must be played on the serving line during service periods. (As long as school approves)
What is a music speaker?
When completing the marketing pre-install form, marketing needs you to gather these 3 things.
What is pictures, videos, and measurements?
Every café should have this to store and prevent damage to promotion posters.
What is the marketing portfolio bag?
You must follow this document while installing new marketing signage.
What is a marketing install plan/instructions?
When installing new marketing signage, you must do this if an item does not fit in the location indicated in the install plan.
What is contact marketing for further instruction?
This is required to be turned on and playing in the café to display menu items and marketing info.
What is café digital signage?
Marketing needs you to know how to use this digital platform during Open House/Orientation, and continually throughout the school year.
What is Nutrislice?
This document is sent out prior to each promotion, and must be thoroughly read.
What is a Marketing SOP?