Social Studies

Potatoes pretending to be French.

What are French fries?


Find the average, subtract, and then find the average of the new numbers.

What is MAD, Mean Absolute Deviation?


This was the original reason President Lincoln and the North were fighting the South in the Civil War.

What is to keep the Union (country, USA) together?


A group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought.

What is a dependent clause?


This is why atoms are Catholic.

What is because they have mass?


This breakfast favorite was created by Joseph French, who inadvertently left off the apostrophe when he named his creation. It is why you should never overlook grammar and punctuation. His name was lost in time, but not his famous dish. Don't blame the French for that!

What are French Toast?


The quotient, a/b, of two integers by division, where b does not equal zero.

What are Rational Numbers?


This is someone who is totally against slavery.

What is an abolitionist?


Name the sentence structure:

Since we played outside all day yesterday, we are tired today. 

What is a Complex Sentence?


This classification system is represented by this mnemomic device:  Dear King Phillip Came Over For Great Spaghetti.

What is Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


An expression one says when using words you should not use in school (or elsewhere, for that matter), even if French are very polite.

What is "Excuse my French"?


-3² - | (-14) + 24 ÷ (-2)3 | + ⅓

What is -25 2/3?


This happens to the price when the demand for a product is high and the supply is low.

What is it increases (or rises, goes up, or gets higher)?


What kind of adjectives are modifying "essays," and is the sentence correctly punctuated?

My favorite activity in English class is writing interesting, long essays. 

What are COORDINATE ADJECTIVES, and YES--the comma is necessary. 

"Interesting" and "long" are coordinate adjectives that independently modify a noun and are roughly equal in importance Their order can be reversed and you can substitute "and" for the comma. 


The variable that is changed on purpose in an experiment by the scientist.

What is the Independent Variable?


Colossal French woman in the USA, known in the Whole  Wild World ( Please do not say "Madame Got" - I am not that big!)

What is the Statue of Liberté?


The solution set of y is less than or equal to (-2/3)x - 1/10 and y is greater than or equal to (-2/3)x - 0.1. 

What is infinitely many solutions?


The Missouri Compromise drew an imaginary line across the country. Explain.

States above the line were free states and below the line were slave states (with the exception of Missouri which was above the line but a slave state).


Name the type of error present in this sentence: 

Mary brought pancakes to the table doused in syrup. 

What is a misplaced modifier?

Pancakes is the target word, so the modifier should be next to it. 


This is the reason Helium, Curium, and Barium are the medical elements.

What is because you can't heal-ium or cure-ium, you bury-um? (haha)


A French aristocrat and military officer who fought in the American Revolutionary War, commanding American troops at the age of 19 years old, and who has a very long name.

Who is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette ?


The probability of drawing a consonant, replacing it, drawing a vowel, and without replacement, drawing another vowel. 

What is 360/3179?


In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott. These are two of the 3 reasons.

They said slaves were not citizens

They said slaves were property

They said the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional so slavery was allowed everywhere


In an essay or in a research paper, failure to add citations for direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries results in this.

What is plagiarism?


This is how often your teacher should make element jokes.

What is Periodically? (Like the Table)