Triceps // long head
O: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
I: proximal end of olecranon + fascia of forearm
N: Radial nerve (C6. C7. C8)
F: chief extensor of forearm // long head resists dislocation of humerus
The ligament of the elbow joint most prone to injury?
UCL // valgus force
What nerve, if injured, would cause scapular winging?
Corresponding T-spine for Superior angle of scapula, inferior angle of scapula, and spine of scapula
T2: superior angle
T3: spine of scapula
T7: inferior angle
What are the roots of the radial n.
List impairments seen with injury to radial nerve
GH extension, elbow extension, wrist drop, loss of skin sensation to posterior + infra lateral forearm and dorsal of hand
Pronator teres // ulnar head
O: coronoid process
I: middle convexity of lateral surface of radius
N: median nerve (C6. C7)
F: Pronates and flexes forearm (at elbow)
Which ligament is an important stabilizer to the scaphoid bone?
Scapholunate ligament
Name the following nerves: :)
Median n
Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
Dorsal scapular n
Identify the highlighted carpal bones :)
Red // scaphoid
Light blue // lunate
Green // triquetrum
Yellow // pisiform
Pink // trapezium
Black // trapezoid
Dark blue // capitate
Purple // hamate
Describe Boxer's fracture
Fracture of the base of the 5th metacarpal
Serratus anterior
O: Lateral aspect of ribs 1 – 8
I: medial border of scapula
N: Long thoracic nerve (C5, C6, C7)
A: protracts scapula, rotates glenoid fossa superiorly, holds scapula against thoracic wall c
What is the TFCC?
Complex of ligaments that stabilize the distal radioulnar joint
The brachial plexus lies between what two muscles? Describe the clinical presentation if these muscles become tight/compressed.
Anterior/middle scalene
--> scalene squeeze results in numbness/tingling
What movement corresponds to upper limb myotome “T1”
Finger abduction
What deformity is defined by hyperflexion of the PIP joint + hyperextension of the DIP joint?
Bonus // Trigger finger?
Boutonniere Deformity
Bonus: describe Trigger finger // thickening of annular ligament not allowing tendon to pass through normally
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: lateral surface of olecranon + superior part of posterior surface of ulna
N: Radial nerve (C7. C7. T1)
F: assists triceps in extending forearm; stabilizes elbow joint; may abduct ulna during pronation
Annular ligament
The posterior cord includes what 5 nerves?
Upper subscapular, lower subscapular, thoracodorsal, axillary, radial
Name the nerve and artery that passes through the quadrilateral space
Axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery
Describe De Quervain's Synovitis:
Extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus inflammation due to shared synovial sheath
Extensor indicis
O: posterior surface of distal third of ulna and interosseous membrane
I: extensor expansion of 2nd digit
N: Posterior interosseous nerve (C7. C8), continuation of deep branch of radial nerve
F: extends 2nd digit; helps extend hand at wrist
What ligament is most important in stability of AC joint? Why?
Coracoclavicular ligament // resists anterior - medial directed forces applied to acromion during a fall or contact with something/someone else
Name the roots of lower subscapular n
Origin and impairment of lateral pectoral nerve
Origin: lateral cord C5. C6. C7
Impairments: weakened GH IR, adduction, flexion, horizontal adduction, extension from flexed position, some fibers of pectoralis minor may be affected
Describe Raynaud's disease
Intermittent bilateral attacks of ischemia to the digits accompanied by paresthesia and pain brought on by cold/emotional stimuli