Skills & Approaches
Coaching Skills in Supervision
Coaching the Whole Person
Being or Doing

Some prefer the two-step to the cha-cha-cha.

What is “Dance in the Moment?”


As a supervisor using coaching skills, we need to be this in our approach.

What is flexible?


You’re gonna need scuba gear to get to this place with a practitioner.

What is “below the surface?”


When I am focused in behaviors in my use of coaching skills I am supporting this part of the coaching process.

What is doing?


To ask powerful questions, you need to come from a place of this.

What is “Curiosity”


In supervision when coaching skills are being used, I am letting the practitioner do this.

What is lead?


When I use developmental coaching skills, I am helping the practitioner dive below the surface and explore these.

What are assumptions, mindset, beliefs, and values?


This is described as an established set of attitudes held by the coach.

What is Coaching Mindset?


This coaching skill helps the practitioner be open to possibilities because they are not focused on defending their position.

What is “Withhold Judgment?”


Using coaching skills in supervision can be tricky because of this dynamic.

What is power?


Coaching skills help rewire the brain and examine the old stories we tell ourselves.  This can be done because the brain has this.

What is neuroplasticity?


Research shows this is the most important factor the coach needs to nurture to support successful change.

What is the relationship?


When I am using the coaching skills of Listening Deeply and I am aware of the energy in the environment, I am utilizing this.

What is Level 3 Listening?


To use coaching skills effectively in supervision, as coaches we need to be aware of how our own identities influence how we walk in this world so we are can be aware of this.

What is our own biases?


To truly coach the whole person, when using coaching skills you have to not only be aware of the individual relationship, but also this.

What the system and context the practitioner is swimming in or the Groundwater Approach?


When using coaching skills we are creating awareness that leads to this.

When using coaching skills we are creating awareness that leads to this.