The sum of 73 and 89
what is 162
What would the 3D shape look like from above.
what is A
what is Nominal data
what is Nominal data is data that can be labelled or classified into mutually exclusive categories within a variable.
what is investments
what is investments is the dedication of an asset to attain an increase in value over a period of time.
The sum of 197 and 267
what is 464
Wich of the given shapes is the same 3D shape but in a diffrent postion
What is A
what is ordinal data
what is ordinal data is a kind of categorical with a set order or scale to it.
what is how to invest
what is
-decide how to invest
-decide how much to invest
-open a investment account
The sum of 294 and 146
what is 440
if the net was folded into a cube wich of the given shapes would it look like
What is C
what is discreate data
what is discreate data is information that can only take certain values.
what is credit
what is credit is trust witch allows one party to provide money or recourses to another party.
The sum of 1654 and 160
what is 1814
Wich of the given shapes in the correct mirror image
what is c
what is continuous data
what is continuous data changes over time and can have different values at different time intervals
what is insurance
what is insurance is a means of protection for financial Loss.
The sum of 365 and 2475
what is 2840
Wich figure is is a roation of the object
What is B
what is quantitative data
what is quantitative are measures of values or counts are expressed as numbers.
what is debit
what is a debit card is a payment that can be used in place of cash to make purchases.