DOE History
Pot Luck
Better Living Thru Chemistry
Reality TV
Vendors Galore

The largest particle accelerator in the US, is the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider built in 2000 is at this site.

What is Brookhaven National Lab?


This Simpson's star is marrying the person hired to protect them.

Who is Yeardly Smith (the voice of Lisa Simpson).


We merged with Merck on November 18, 2015.

Who is Sigma Aldrich?


This cooking show is the opposite of Heaven

What is Hell's Kitchen?


This is the GSS Vendor Tier Range and also the Top (most important) Tier number.

What is 1-4 and 4?


This is the initial name for the Oak Ridge TN facility that enriched the uranium and built the components for "Little Boy"

What is The Manhatten Engineer District (will also accept The Clinton Engineer Works)?


This "special" promotion was just celebrated by Amazon.

What is Amazon Prime Day?


Iodine, Piperidine, Red Phosphorus, and Acetonitrile all have this in common. 

What are DEA precursors?


John Taffer is the star of this show that tries to fix other businesses.

What is Bar Rescue?


This electronics vendor was named after a rodent.

What is Mouser?


***Name one way The DOE responded to the Sept. 11 Attacks on the US.***

***Daily Double, does not have to be in the form of a question.

Over the next several weeks, DOE responds to the disaster by contributing equipment, emergency medical technicians and other assistance in support of rescue efforts. DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory dispatches Fire Department personnel, all trained in confined-space rescue, as well as truck and heavy rescue equipment and several electrical generators to New York City. The DOE Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory sends four emergency services officers to work in the triage area. Working with Federal Emergency Management Agency staff, DOE employees assist in the search for survivors by using Ground Penetrating Radar equipment adapted with motion detection applications. Other DOE teams operate with sophisticated, remotely-operated equipment, including infrared cameras, robotic equipment and fiber optic cameras.


Name one of the current top 2 Xbox Games.

What is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, or Red Dead Redemption 2?


This Registry Number is a unique identifier that tells you what materials are in a chemical substance (not a part #). 

What is a CAS number?


This show about sisters has run for 20 season now.

What is Keeping up with the Kardashians?


This vendor gobbles up lab related companies like Mocrosoft gobbles up Tech and software companies.

Who is Thermo or Thermo Fisher?


The date the Department of Energy Created.

What is October 1, 1977?


This is the 3rd most populous country in the world currently.

What is the United States?


The names of the 2 chemical manufacturers that CA companies must order DEA and CA precursors from if they do not possess a DEA Analytical License or a CA Precursor Permit.

What are Spectrum Chemicals and Santa Cruz Biotechnology?


This was the first Reality TV Series for MTV...

What is The Real World?


This is one of the first vendors GSS began working and, and the one that wanted us to exclusively offer their products for them.

Who is Fisher?


The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) detonates the first thermonuclear device, code-named "Mike," at this location.

What is Enewetak Atoll in the Pacific?


This is currently the richest person on Earth.

Who is Jeff Bezos? Current net worth @ 131.9 billion dollars.


This type of chemical is used by Forensics Labs to calibrate the GC's and Mass Spec units.

What are standards?


This was the show that started the careers of Pentatonix when they won it.

What is The Sing Off?


How many people is KFC Following on Twitter?

What is 11. 5 Spice Girls and 7 Herbs?