This vehicle has the right of way if pulling to a 4 way stop at the same time as another vehicle
What is the vehicle on the right
This law states that if an officer suspects you may be drinking or using drugs, he or she can request a blood or breath test
What is the expressed consent law
What is a yield sign?
This is what you should do when your brakes fail.
What is Pump the brakes to build up pressure and pull the emergency brake, if that doesnt work.
Broken yellow lines on the road indicate this.
What is "passing allowed"
This vehicle has to yield the right of way when coming to a four way stop at the same time as another vehicle
What is the vehicle on the left
This is when Colorado law requires you to drive with headlights on
What is between sunset and sunrise or when visibility is less than 1,000 feet
This pennant shaped sign can be found posted on the side of the road.
What is a no passing zone sign?
This is what you should do when your gas pedal jams
What is Shift to neutral and pull off road when safe to do so.
Double solid yellow lines indicate this.
What is no passing
These have the right-of-way in every situation
What is a pedestrian?
After doing this, you may turn right on a red light.
What is coming to a complete stop and checking if it is safe?
This sign is found on the back of a vehicle and not on the side of the road.
Slow moving vehicle
This is what you should do when your headlights go out.
Try your lights a few times, and pull off the road if they still are not working.
Make room for cars entering the freeway by doing this.
What is moving over a lane
If you see these behind you with sirens or lights on, you must yield the right of way to them by getting over
What is an emergency vehicle
You must have evidence of this in your vehicle at all times
What is insurance
This sign is generally diamond shaped
What is a warning sign?
This is what you should do if you're slipping in a vehicle without ABS
What is "threshold braking" or "pumping the brakes"
This is the acronym to remember for lane changes
What is SMOG
This person always has the right of way at a four way stop
What is the person who arrives first
This is how many feet you need to activate your signal before turning or changing lanes on a highway going over 40mph
What is 200 feet
This is what a merging traffic sign warns you of.
What is traffic entering from a side street?
This is what you should do if you are slipping in a vehicle with ABS
Push the brake down with hard, firm pressure - it will do the pumping for you
You need to do this if an animal runs in front of your vehicle.
What is focus on controlling the vehicle