What are emotions?
Emotion Regulation

They are messengers, they help us relate and connect to others. 

What are emotions? 


Deep breathing, prayer, meditation, exercise, using your senses are all examples of what?

What are coping skills/grounding skills? 


The emotional bond that you create with another person that helps you regulate your mood and emotions. This can change over time and is malleable. 

What is attachment? 


The limits and rules we set for ourselves in our all relationships, based on our values and things we find important to us. 

What are boundaries? 


A stimulus, such as a person, place, situation or thing, that contributes to an unwanted behavioral or emotional response. 

What are triggers? 


A kind of negative self-talk that appears immediately, without us even being aware of forming a thought, in response to a certain stimulus. They're often irrational and negative for our mental well-being.

What are automatic thoughts?


Turning to others to help us feel better when we are upset or dysregulated. 

What is coregulating? 


Depends on partner and allows partner to depend on them; is available for partner in times of need. 

What is secure attachment? 


Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection. Avoids intimacy and close relationships. Very protective of personal information. 

What are rigid boundaries? 


Movies, music, smells, locations, events, people. 

What are external triggers? 


True or false: women are more emotional than men

False. We all experience the same range of emotions, and although men and women express emotions differently, it does not change the fact that we all have capacity to experience the same range of emotions.


Using something, healthy or unhealthy, to distract yourself and help you regulate when you are dysregulated. 

What is autoregulation?


Insecure in intimate relationships, constantly worried about rejection and abandonment

What is anxious attachment


Overshares personal information, has difficulty saying no, dependent on the opinions of others and fears rejection. 

What are porous boundaries? 


Rejection, betrayal, disapproval, criticisms, any uncomfortable emotion. 

What are internal triggers? 


A deal breaker in a relationship

What are red flags?


Turning into your own feelings, feeling your feelings and having a high sense of self awareness.

What is self regulation? 


Emotionally distant, keeps partner at arms length. 

What is avoidant attachment? 

Values their own opinions, shares personals information in an appropriate way, knows their wants and needs and how to communicate them. 
What are healthy boundaries? 

Try to avoid them, own your feelings, give yourself space, communicate, be mindful, anticipate and plan. 

What are coping strategies for triggers?


A skill used to focus on the things that you have control over in your life, instead of the things you can't control.

What is the circle of control?


Why is it important to use all three kinds of regulation and not rely on only one? 

For full points, each group member must give an example. 

Cannot tolerate emotional closeness in relationships, argumentative, rages, unable to regulate emotions. Abusive and dysfunctional and relationships recreate past patterns. 

What is disorganized attachment? 


Give an example of a healthy boundary. 

For full points, each group member share an example of a healthy boundary. 


Share your favorite healthy way to cope with your triggers.

For full points, each group member share a coping skill.