What is the 1st consequence I will get if I act out?
Is it good if my cougar card has no marks on it?
How do I ask to go to the bathroom?
Hand sign
When can I sharpen my pencil ?
At the beginning of a lesson, at the end of day or at breakfast.
What are Ms. Cadamagnani's dogs named?
Peanut, Sandy, Flora
What is the 2nd consequence I will get if I act out?
Meet with the teacher, cougar card marked
Do we have cougar cards at specials?
How do I ask for water?
hand sign
How do I walk in a line?
face forward
single file
no gaps
no talking
Where did Ms. Cadamagnani Grow up?
How many consequences will I have had to fill out a reflection form ?
When do I need to have my parents sign my cougar card?
When should I try to not use the restroom?
The 1st 10 minutes of a lesson
Can I ask my teacher a question in line
The one thing you need to know about Ms. Cadamagnani is
She believes in you
How many misbehaviors will I have to have had to go to the office?
What day do I get a new cougar card if I returned my old one?
How do I show the restroom is in use?
light and sign out
When is homework due?
Ms. Cadamagnani likes to ___________
ride bike
water color paint
play zelda on switch