Who documents the first disability concern after an assessment?
Who is the teacher?
All checklists are finished and turned in to the ELC.
What is the beginning of the year procedures?
What is the name of the developmental assessment given to students?
What is the Brigance?
The teacher looks at the environment and relationships that may need modified.
What is Step 1?
This is Documented under the Disability Concern Tab with an email sent out to the service group.
What is a Disability Concern?
Created to support routine in the classroom, it is displayed in the classroom, put in the lesson plan book, and a copy given to the ELC.
What is the daily schedule?
45 days
What is the number of calendar days assessments needed to be completed by?
What is a behavior concern?
What is the number of enrollments spots reserved for students with disabilties?
The primary focus the first few weeks of school?
What is Social/Emotional Skills?
Entered under the education tab after finishing with the first 45 days.
What is the Brigance screening results?
This is filled out by the teaching staff and the ELC within a week after the first step is completed using BIR and classroom observations, the ELC scans it and enters it in ChildPlus.
What is the Child Accommodation Worksheet or the Classroom Observations for Behavior Concerns?
What is the worksheet called that is filled out by the ELC and teaching staff to support a child with suspected delays?
What is the Child Accommodation Worksheet?
If you have a concern about a child, classroom question, procedure questions who is the first person you should ask on the organizational chart?
Who is your immediate supervisor?
The assessment used to track ongoing child growth throughout the year, it is collected 3 times a year and teaching staff discusses the summary with parents.
What is ELS?
The Pyramid Model
What is the framework TWHS uses for Social/Emotional Support?