Effective Planning
Notebook Organization
Meeting Requirements
Progress Monitoring/Data
Time Management

Do you need to get your team together ahead of time?


When do you file the documentation from each meeting?

As soon as the meeting is over and all copies have been made then you should file the documents in the notebook. 


What is a document that has to be sent home to the parent and signed?

Parent Invitation 


When should you start progress monitoring on a student?

Day 1, progress monitoring should be started as early as possible to ensure that enough of data is collected for the meetings. 

Should you inform your general education teacher and LEA representative of the a meeting a few days before the meeting?

No, this should be told to the general education teacher and LEA representative weeks in advance. 


Name one thing you can use to help effectively plan for a meeting.

Graphic Organizer or Calendar


Which tab does the consent for evaluation go behind for a student who is not in the special education program?



Who are the required members needed for a meeting concerning special education?

LEA Representative, General Ed. Teacher, Special Ed. Teacher


How often should progress monitoring take place?

Once a week


How many days does the annual review need to be completed before the due date?

45 days


What can you create for a student when collecting information to get prepared for a meeting?

Data folder


Which tab does the consent for services document go once signed by the parent?

Initial Evaluation


What other documents should be brought to the meeting besides the draft documents?

All Data


Whose responsibility is it to make sure progress monitoring is completed for our special education students. 

Special Education teacher and General Education Teacher. Both teachers should communicate and play an active role in making sure progress monitoring is taken place for our special education students. 


How many days should the reevaluation be completed in advance of the due date?

90 days


What should you keep documentation on when speaking with parents?

Communication log and in ECATS under parent contact. 


Which tab you would file an eligibility document for a student who is already in the special education program?


Can you hold a meeting without notifying the parent or without the parent being present for the meeting?

No, the parent has to give you permission to hold the meeting without them. This permission should be in writing and should be stated in the PWN. 


Is it too early to complete a transition assessment of explore careers with Kindergarten-5th grade students?

No, exploring careers and transition assessments can take place as early as Kindergarten. It allows our students to start thinking about what they really want to do or be when they get older. This makes transition planning easier as the student gets older. 


How many days in advance do you have to give notice to the parents of the meeting?

10 days


What is the key to effective planning?

Time management


Which tab does the annual review document go behind?

Annual Review


Can you start a meeting if the LEA representative is not there yet and they tell you to go ahead with the meeting and they will be in soon?

No, the meeting cannot start without all required members present for the meeting.


Should the transition assessment be apart of the data that is filed in the IEP notebook?

Yes, this assessment is considered data and it should be filed in the notebook. Depending on the age of the student DPI will look at the transition assessment to see if it was appropriate for the student.


Is it best practice to get your draft documents and data gathered a day or two before the meeting?

No, this information should be done at least two-three weeks in advance.