When you're camping, you sleep in a
Tent/sleeping bag
What do you roast over the fire
This word means to ask for help
If you could pick one friend to go to summer camp with, who would it be
What will keep you hydrated?
Something you do in a body of water such as a lake, pool, pond or river
What is a graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow treat?
If you need help at camp, you ask a
If you brought five shirts, three pairs of shorts and one pair of shoes, how many articles of clothing did you pack?
You might need to pack a lot of these in case you get dirty
What water sport requires one or two skis
Water skiing
What are stories often told around a campfire?
Ghost stories, spooky/scary stories
Something you play for fun
(jenga, tug-of-war)
What is your favorite summer activity?
Answers vary
What might you need to start a fire?
Wood, matches, kindling
This is what you would do in a raft with a guide and paddles
White water rafting
What do we generally see at night up in the sky when we are camping?
A problem
If you had to share a tent with a family member, who would it be?
Answers vary
What would you pack if you wanted to send a letter home to your parents?
Finish this song, "row, row, row your boat"
Gently down the stream
If you were cold at night, while camping, you would sit next to what?
A fire
Someone you might meet at summer camp that you get along with
What is a walk on a trail called?