When I am missing someone I love I feel.....and what Zone is that in?
Sad/Blue Zone
Coping skills make my big feelings..feel smaller. Yes or no?
Bullying is ok and not a problem. True or False?
The best song to listen to about safety is the 8 never nevers.
When I have a problem it is best to just give up. T or F
When my body feels like I have butterflies or my heart beating fast I may feel.....
Nervous or worried
Coping skills are needed for every emotion. True or False.
Bullying is mean or unkind. True or Falso
What is one thing you should always wear when you are riding wheels?
A message from Ms. McCormick....I don't care how old or cool you are. (Me giving you that look like....you know what I mean)
a helmet. ALways a helmet.
Tell me about a time you tried something and it was really hard. What did you do? How did you figure it out.
Free points. Everyone tell a story in your group, table or think in your head.
Tell yourself I am proud of myself.
What zones or emotion should I be in at school that makes me ready to learn?
Happy, calm, green zone.
What coping skill can I use to make my anger or mads go to the yellow zone or become smaller so I can think better?
Deep breaths
Take a break
Talk an adult
Go for a walk
Bullying is one sided. T or F
Should you start a campfire without the help or supervision of an adult?
When I can't do something what word do we add to have a growth mindset.
Are all feelings healthy and normal to feel? Yes or no?
Everyone has the same coping skills. No one's are different. True or False
False. We all have different things that work for us.
Bullying is defined by someone being unkind to another person on purpose and it is __________. So it happens over and over.
IF someone is making you feel uncomfortable who can you report that to?
My cool counselor
My parents
other trusted adult
When I can't solve a problem I should identify 3 options to solve it and then try none of them and give up. T or F
False. Identify 3 choices and decide on one to try first. If that doesn't work try another one.
What do I use to make my emotions become smaller or back to green?
A coping skill!
Ms. McCormick favorite coping skill is....
Name 3 people you can report bullying to.
When I am walking home and my friend wants to go to the park and not check in at home I should......
go home and ask my parents. Or call them.
If I am stuck and feeling down what order do I try these.
Try a option
Use a coping skill
Think of options.
use a coping skill
THink of options
Try one.