famous football player that starts with a ''R''
How do you spell ''äpple'' in english
who has number ''18'' in Rögle
''Harry potter''
which sport playing HIF in?
how do you spell ''morot'' in english
Red, Blue and white flag in the north
who has number ''70'' in Rögle
''Kalle klang''
Lady and Luffsen
Who has made the most points in hockey history
''Wayne Gretzky''
how do you spell ''gurka'' in english
Flag: Blue, white and red
In europe
what is the name of there home stadium?
''Catena arena''
Who has made the most goals in football history
''Josef Bican''
Who do you spell ''durian'' in english
Flag: Blue background a red and white cross and red stars
''New zeeland''
who has number ''32'' in rögle bk
'' Thimo nickl''
You have a chance off getting 500 points now but there is a catch there is a chance you can get -500 points so do you want to keep going?
You have a chance off getting 500 points now but there is a catch there is a chance you can get -500 points so do you want to keep going?
name 3 trainers in Rögle BK
ChrisAbbott, CamAbbott, FrederikAndersen
scooby doo