Dressed for Success
Can you hear me now?
Think Different
Facts and Figures

The color of sweatshirts allowed to wear in the classroom.

What is plain navy blue?


Best way to communicate with teachers

What is school email?

Not best ways: the temple, the grocery store, a party, the springs, etc. :)


The device students are not allowed to have out at school.

What is a cell phone?


Name of Krishna Sharanam's academic program.

What is Middle Years Programme (International Baccaulearate?


Temple Wednesday time

What is 7:20 am?


Acceptable hair styles

What is a hairstyle that is neat, simple and fixed in a way that does not touch eyes or obstruct vision?

Also, "having completely or partially shaven haircuts, spikes, excessively gelled hair, and multi-colored or unnaturally colored hair are not permitted. Male students are encouraged to maintain their hair as short as possible. At maximum, it may not extend beyond mid-ear on sides, below the eyebrows in front, and below the collar in back, and it must be neatly combed."


You have a homework question

What is contact the subject area teacher? (may also CC Jaya Sri Radhe as well)


Correct use of iPad in classroom

What is teacher-sanctioned activities?

No games - any time, or sending/taking photos of students without their consent.


The method of keeping track of homework and grades in Krishna Sharanam

What is Managebac?


Daily schedule times

What is 8am to 3pm on M, T, Th, F and 7:20am-2pm on W?


Acceptable uniform bottoms

What are straight legged navy pants or shorts (longer than fingertips) in good condition? What are skirts longer than the knee or leggings under a skirt or anarkoli?

No cargo/carpenter pants, or other pants with more than 4 pockets (2 in front and 2 in back), denim, sweatpants or pajamas, pants with holes or tears, spandex or leggings unless covered by a skirt, and skirts that stop above the knee?


You have a question about the Krishna Sharanam program in general, and it is not subject specific

What is contact M. Jaya Sri Radhe?


Pays for damage to iPad.

Who is the family?


9th and 10th grade ONLY classes

What are Personal Finance (9th/10th) and Personal Project (10th)?


8 subjects

What are mathematics, science, language & literature, individuals & societies, arts, design, language acquisition, and physical & health sciences?


Jewelry policy

What is up to two earrings per ear that are non-distracting, no bigger than a quarter and no longer than an inch?

No gauge earrings are permitted. All earrings that dangle will need to be removed before any physical education or sporting activities are performed. Nose rings are permitted.


You have a Schoolwide concern or question

What is contact Visvambhar Prabhu?


Cell phone out at school without permission

What is confiscation of the equipment?

First violation will result in confiscation of the equipment and held for parent pick up. The second violation will result in confiscation of the equipment for 5 calendar days. The device will be returned to the student on the first school day after the 5 day hold period.


Scale of 1 to 7

What is the academic scale all classes are graded on?

Individual assignments are graded out of 8







From 7:50 -8:00 in the morning and 3:00-3:10 in the afternoon

What are pick-up and drop-off times?


Field trip dress code

What is a light blue Bhaktivedanta Academy logo shirt, paired with shorts, capris, or straight-legged pants that are navy blue in color? 

This is also an optional Friday uniform for Krishna Sharanam students.


Emails, family event nights, parent-teacher conferences, field trips, and volunteer (skill to share)

What are ways to be involved in your child's education?


Using iPad in a non-sanctioned way

What is confiscation of iPad?

First offense - half day confiscation

Second offense - full day confiscation

Beyond - contact parents, make plan about return of device


Assessment criteria that only 9th and 10th graders get.

Who gets a GPA?


The number of service hours per year in 9th and 10th grade

What is 25?