True or False: During the class transition I should prepare my supplies for the next class?
Which job is in charge of handing out papers?
Paper Distributor
What is the very first consequence?
True or False: When getting our laptops we should wait for our number range to be called
True or False: During group work everyone will be responsible for handing in the paper.
False! Not necessarily! I should only have to collect 1!
Which job is in charge of collecting the groups papers and placing in the bin?
Table Leader
What is the second consequence?
Alternate seating
True or False: When returning your laptop you should place it in any available space
False! Place it back in the correct numbered slot
True or False: It is ok to help a neighbor out on a quiz or test
Which job is in charge of making sure we have a clean classroom?
The sweepers/sanitation team
What is the third consequence?
A phone call home
True or False: I should go to my locker when I arrive to school at 8:45am
False! You should only use your locker for the first 5 minutes of Per-1
True or False: We want to use accent talk stems when we are participating in class
False! We want to use ACCOUNTABLE talk stems!
Which job is in charge of handing out the calculators?
What is the fourth consequence?
Besides first period, when else can I use the lockers?
At the end of 5th period and at the end of 8th period
Entering the classroom- After greeting the teacher, you want to
A)Start the Do Now
B)Use most direct route to seat
C)Take out your materials
B) Use most direct route to seat
Which job is responsible for making sure all laptops are accounted for and plugged in?
Laptop Inventory Specialist
What is the point of consequences?
To encourage you to live up to expectations and follow the rules.
True or False: If I'm not using a laptop in Math class, it's ok to have my laptop on my desk.
False! They should be charging when not in use