What is Psychology
The Brain

What does the “A” the “ABC”s of psychology (What phycology studies) stand for?

A. Affect                   

B. Addiction  

C. Anxiety                 

D. Aragon

A. Affect      


 _________ refers to how a researcher measures a construct  that she wants to use as her dependent variable in her study. Having this especially helps when the construct is abstract and can be subjective (e.g. aggression).

A. Independent Variable      

B. Testing Bias                               

C. Abstract Measurement     

D. Operational Definition  

 D. Operational Definition  


10.  Which of the following types of memory (for senses) has the shortest duration for sensory storage. In other words, which of the following needs attention the quickest before the information is lost?

A. Haptic Memory

B. Echoic Memory

C. Iconic Memory

D. Retrograde Memory

C. Iconic Memory


Tiffany has a hypothesis that cannot be proven wrong.  What key aspect of science does her hypothesis lack?

A. Systematic Empiricism         

B. Falsifiability             

C. Replication      

 D. Examination of Solvable problems.

B. Falsifiability  


In an experimental design, the group that does not receive the treatment/manipulation is known as the ______ group.

A. experimental    

B. internally valid   

C. externally valid    

D. control

D. control


Chad believes that he can store more than 7 units of information in his short-term memory. He believes this because he is able to recall 14 numbers by putting them in pairs of two, thinking of them as the jersey numbers of his favorite athletes. What strategy is Chad using to recall the 14 numbers?

A. Chunking

B. Sensory Store

C. Working memory organization

D. Combining

A. Chunking


Which lobe of the brain is responsible for the inhibition of inappropriate behavior?

A. Frontal Lobe

B. Temporal Lobe

C. Occipital Lobe

D. Parietal Lobe

A. Frontal Lobe


Jason learns of a psychological finding but says he does not think psychology is a real science because this is something that is common sense and he knew without the research. What sort of bias is being demonstrated by Jason?

A. Preexisting Bias                          

B. Premature bias                          

C. Operational definition bias    

D. Hindsight Bias

D. Hindsight Bias


The variable that comes first in a study and is the presumed cause is known as the _________ variable

A. Independent

B. Dependent 

C. Hypothesized

D. Confounding

A. Independent


•2. ___ +/-  _____ is the amount/number of units of information that the average adult can store in their short-term memory.

•A. 6 +/- 2    B. 7+/- 1     C. 7+/- 2       D. 8 +/- 1

C. 7+/- 2


Which part of the brain is responsible for processing fear?

A. Hippocampus

B. Amygdala

C. Parietal Lobe

D. Corpus Coliseum

B. Amygdala


One of the disadvantages of an experiential design is that the lab is often times very controlled and restrictive and  therefore may not apply to the real world.  In other words, experimental designs often lack ______ validity.

A. Internal      

 B. External    

C. Divergent    

 D. Convergent

B. External    


Sheantez is a an eyewitness to a robbery.  After witnessing the event, he has read details about it online.  Because he has received new information about the event, his recollection of the robbery has now been changed.  Which of the factors that influence false memory is most likely the reason for his incorrect recollection of the robbery?

A. Inaccurate Perception 

B. Similarity       

C. Inferences             

D. Interference

D. Interference


Which of the following disorders would result in you not being able to recognize a picture of yourself?

A. Broca’s Aphsia

B. Wernicke’s Aphsia

C. Faciem Amnesia

D. Prosopagnosia

D. Prosopagnosia


A researcher believes that reaction time will be slowed by alcohol consumption.  To test this she has one group do a reaction time task with no alcohol, and another do the same task after 3 drinks


A Independent variable (IV)

B. Dependent Variable (IV)

C. Control Group

D. Experimental Groups

A: Alcohol Consumption

B: Reaction Time

C: 0 Drinks

D: 4 Drinks


Right as they walk into the store, Curtis’s wife tells him 6 items that he needs to buy. Even though she tells him the items in a specific order,  he changes the order of the items in order to make them easier to find. What type of memory does Curtis (most specifically) demonstrate?

A. Working Memory      

 B. Short-term Memory                          

 C. Sensory Memory           

  D. Long-term Memory

A. Working Memory    


Wilson is a split-brain patient, meaning his Corpus Collosum has been cut, severing the communication between the two hemispheres of his brain.  He performs a task where he looks at  a “+” in the middle of a computer screen.  The word “Pizza” briefly appears on the left side of the screen and at the same time the word “Phone” briefly appears on the right side. When asked to describe what he saw, which of the following would Wilson be able to do?

A.Draw a Pizza using his right hand

B.Draw a Pizza using his left hand

C.Draw a Phone using right hand

D.Say that he saw the word “Pizza”

E.Say that he saw the word “Phone”

B.Draw a Pizza using his left hand


E.Say that he saw the word “Phone”