Stress Management
Avoiding Plagiarism
Homework and studying
Test Prep
Academic Campus Resources

On campus, you can go to this location to take classes in yoga, Zumba, barre and more in order to relive stress.

What is the wellness center?


When you take someone else's words and include it in your writing, word for word

What is a quote?


These are fun to join when you want to bounce ideas off of classmates.

What are study groups?


This feeling is characterized by fast heartbeats and can be controlled with steady breathing.

What is test anxiety?


This place on campus lets you check out laptops for free

What is the cyber library?


Vaping, drinking, and avoiding homework are all examples of this

What are unhealthy coping skills?


Every quote or reference including in your writing must be mentioned on this page in your essay.

What is works cited (for MLA)?

What is references (for APA)?

(Both are acceptable answers)


Educators and students use this online service for making quizzes

What is Quizlet?


This is discouraged and should be replaced with reviewing material periodically.

What is cramming?


Located in the Welcome Center, these staff members will help you achieve your academic goals and help develop educational career plans through schedule planning and career counseling.

What is the advising team?


Setting alarms, using a calendar, planning ahead, breaking down projects into smaller chunks, and saying no to things that you don't have time for are all examples of this.

What is time management?


Most students resort to plagiarism because of this

What is waiting until the last minute?
What is not knowing how to complete the assignment/answer the question?


This series of notes allows you to visually organize your notes and quiz yourself later.

What are Cornell Notes?


Teachers recommend getting this instead of pulling an all nighter before a test.

What is a decent night's sleep?


 This academic resource at IWCC targets students from disadvantaged backgrounds and helps connect these students with resources on campus and provide helpful academic services.

What is TriO?


This hormone enters our bloodstream when we are stressed.

What is cortisol?


Cheating and plagiarism are usually covered in this policy on the syllabus

What is academic dishonesty?

What is academic misconduct?

What is academic integrity?


Professors recommend glancing at these before reading your assigned textbook chapters.

What are the review questions?


These tools are very useful for memorizing definitions and concepts.

What are flash cards?


This area in the student center will help with essays, outlines, research papers, resumes & cover letters.

What is the writing center?


The scientific name for positive stress

What is eustress?

MLA is an acronym for this

What is Modern language association?


This time management technique involves separating 25-minute intervals of work with short breaks.

What is the Pomodoro technique?


Educators recommend doing this on multiple choice questions to narrow down the answer.

What is elimination?


This area on campus helps with students who may need assistance with academics such as a different room for testing, extended test times, or note-takers.

What is accommodation services?