What do point and click games use as a controller
computer mouse
what does RTS stand for
Real Time strategy
Genre is associated with player choice, open environments where you have a variety of tasks you can accomplish in different ways, non-linear gameplay
What is Sandbox
What is FPS and TPS
First person shooter, Third person shooter
Real-time strategy RTS
Grand theft auto
the sims
What Genre is Fortnite and Battle Royale
Third person shooter
Name two sub-genres/types of role playing games
RPG, ARPG, MMORPG, TRPG, Roguelike, Roguelite
RPG: Encompasses a variety of different niches and sub-genres, ranging from tabletop gaming with cards and dice (Dungeons & Dragons) to video game RPGs (Fallout).
ARPG: Action RPGs have a strong emphasis on combat but include many of the characteristics of a standard RPG, like The Witcher 3.
CRPG: “Computer RPG” is typically used to describe Western-developed RPGs created for PC gamers, like the first two Fallout games.
MMORPG: Combines the massively multiplayer online genre format with RPG gameplay, with notable titles like World of Warcraft, EVE Online, and Elder Scrolls Online.
TRPG: Short for tactical role-playing game, TRPGs resemble strategy games but place a deeper emphasis on creative thinking and short-term decision making, like the XCOM series.
Roguelike: Strict definitions feature turn-based gameplay, some form of permadeath, tile graphics, and procedural generation.
Roguelite: Does not include one or more key elements of a typical roguelike. Definitions for this sub-genre will vary, but Rogue Legacy is a widely accepted example.
multiplayer online battle arena
Name three of the teams Cencal sports will play this season
Rocket League
Super smash bros
Mario Kart
League of legends