Coping Strategies
Worry Bug
Voice Actors
You are watching a movie with your friends. Everyone is laughing and smiling. What are they probably feeling in this moment?



Coping strategies are things you can do to make you feel ______?

Relaxed, calm


What is a false alarm?

A false alarm is when we get scared but there is not any real danger


This actor has voiced characters in Toy Story and The Polar Express.

Tom Hanks


What movie had this famous line? "My mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get'"

Forrest Gump

Sarah comes to school one day and is acting different than usual. She is not smiling and talking as much as she usually does. You also see her wiping her face when she comes out of the bathroom and it looks like she has been crying. What do you think Sarah is feeling?



Name 3 coping strategies we have talked about in therapy

thinking of a calm and happy place
counting to 10
tensing and relaxing muscles
identifying your senses (things you see and hear)
taking deep breaths
listening to music

How does your worry bug make you feel? Is he dangerous?

Uncomfortable, stressed, scared.
Worry bugs and anxiety are uncomfortable and annoying but are not dangerous!


This actor is famous for his role in The Wolverine and The Greatest Showman.

Hugh Jackman


Turning Red is an animated movie about a 13 year old girl who turns into a _____ whenever she gets too excited?

Giant Red Panda

Your teacher asks a history question that you know the answer to. Your friend Jimmy also knows the answer and is raising his hand. Jimmy looks excited when the teacher calls on him. You yell out the answer before Jimmy is able to speak. How might this make Jimmy feel? 

Sad, annoyed, frustrated


When should you use coping strategies?

When you are starting to feel worried, scared, frustrated, angry, mad, overwhelmed, or stressed. 


Andrew is feeling very worried and uncomfortable because he has a new nurse working with him today. It is her first day at St. Joseph but she has years of experience at a hospital. His other nurses are also at home if she needs any help. When the nurse comes in the room, Andrew is having thoughts that something is going to go wrong. Is this is a true alarm or a false alarm?

False Alarm


This actor played a major character in the Incredibles franchise where he was able to put villains on ice.

Samuel L Jackson

The stars of this animated movie include Steve Carrell, Kristen Wiig, Jason Segal, Sandra Bullock, and Jon Hamm

Despicable Me


Peter is starting a new school. He does not know anyone at this school and thinks he might not fit in. How is Peter feeling?

Anxious, Worried, Scared


Name 5 things you see and 3 things you hear


Madeline is feeling very worried and anxious about moving and starting a new job. One of her worry thoughts is "I'm not going to be good at my new job" and "I'm not going to have any friends like I do in Ohio". What can she tell herself to boss back at her anxiety?

You have good training and are good at what you do. You have moved before and have been able to make new friends. 

What actor sang the hit song 'You're Welcome' from the movie Moana?

Dwayne Johnson


This 2016 animated movie is a musical comedy that focuses on a struggling theatre owner who holds a singing competition to prevent his theatre from closing down.



Andrew wants Amanda to change the song on his phone but she is talking to another staff member about something important. Andrew is calling Amanda's name over and over again and telling her to change the song. What can Andrew do instead?

-Say "Amanda when you are done talking can you come help me change the song please?"

-Ask someone else who is not busy
-Wait until Amanda is done talking


Andrew is feeling very worried during his treatment today so Amanda puts on his favorite music. Andrew continues to feel worried and is starting to panic. He has alot of worry thoughts. What should he do?

Try another coping strategy! Boss back at worry bug by thinking of helpful and positive thoughts.


Andrew feels worried because there is going to be a new drill at school today where everyone has to stay inside their classroom, lock the doors, and stay quiet. Andrew has never done this drill before and is worried he will not know what to do. His worry bug is telling him "you're going to get left behind and something bad is going to happen". What can Andrew tell himself to boss back at his worry bug?

I have alot of people to help me make sure I am doing what I am supposed to do. Amanda and my teachers will not let anything happen to me. This is just a drill and there is no real danger. 


This actor is famous for his voice in Monsters Ink and his roles in The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally

Billy Crystal 

What movie is this famous line from? "You're killin' me, Smalls"

The Sandlot