First female physician in the US, developed first medical school for women:
Elizabeth Blackwell
Invented the Stethoscope
René Laennec
Developed bifocals
Benjamin Franklin
The first one was made of wood and was used instead of having to lay the head on someone's chest!
The time when there was a renewed interest in medicine and sanitation was allowed by monks and priests.
The Middle Ages
Illness and disease were caused by _____.
Supernatural or evil spirits
Who or what prohibited the dissection of the body?
Who was the first society to observe the human body and the effects of diseases that led to modern medical science
The fall of the Roman Empire began this period of time. The study of science slowed.
The Dark Ages
I found missing men when the war was over. I formed the American Red Cross and served as its first president.
Clara Barton
developed the rabies vaccine
Joseph Lister
Discovered carbolic acid which was used as the first antiseptic during surgeries
Joseph Lister
In this procedure, a hole was drilled in the skull with a sharp instrument to relieve demons and evil spirits from men and women and to treat illness!
what was Trepanation used for
To release demons and spirits from the skull
Surgical procedure that involved forming a hole by drilling, scraping or cutting.
In Ancient Egypt, priest were also ________.
Who established the first public health and sanitation systems?
_______ % of the population was killed in Europe and Asia because of the Bubonic Plague.
She was known as the first female physician ever and lived during the 1179 AD time period for 30-40 years.
Abbess Hildegard
proved that microorganisms caused disease and became known as the Father of Microbiology
Louis Pasteur
Published the first anatomy book, dissected animals and human cadavers to help him with his knowledge.
Andreas Vesalius
An early version of today’s pharmacy, where drugs were prepared and then distributed to customers
What period of time saw the invention of the printing press making books and papers more readily available to those who could read and afford them?
The Renaissance
What was used as a medicine during primitive times besides the casting out of demons?
Herbs and plants
In ancient Chinese, these types of therapies consisted of sticking needles in the body to realign the chi.
Which ancient philosopher, who is known as the Father of Medicine, recommended - clean air, fresh food, exercise, and cleanliness?
Monks and priests offered _______ for those afflicted by illness.
Wrote books about diseases and treatments of this time. Believed in herbal treatments and studied over 200 herbs
Abbess Hildegard
As a very young man, invented one of the early microscopes in the early 1590s with his father
Zacharias Janssen
Invented a lens for the microscope, this allowed for visualization of disease-causing organisms
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Known as the first Epidemelogolist, he tracked down and traced the spread of Cholera in an England town, stopping the spread of the disease and the death of many
John Snow
Advancements in the understanding of anatomy and physiology due to dissection of the human body.
The Renaissance
During this period of time, people used plants, herbs, and trepanation to cure what made them ill. They often believed it was evil spirits.
Primitive times
The process of embalming required complicated dissections that led to an understanding of this subject.
Who changed the way people thought about health and medicine?
A Greek man named Hippocrates
During the Renaissance -The creation of this device allowed for books to be published and knowledge to be passed to the greater public.
Printing press.
Established sanitary nursing car units. Founder of modern nursing. began professional education of nursing.
Florence Nightengale
Refined surgical techniques such as the tracheostomy, but never was an official doctor.
John Hunter
Proved that microorganisms caused disease and became known as the Father of Microbiology
Louis Pasteur
The leading cause of death in the 16th through 18th centuries?
Infectious Diseases
In what century were health cost containment plans implemented to control the cost of medical services?
20th Century
They chewed this type of leaf to slow or strengthen the heart
*Daily Double*
What is the foxglove plant
The Egyptian body preservation method for death
What is mummification?
What are the 4 humors
Blood, phelegm , black bile, and yellow bile
This time period was due to the fall of the Roman Empire.
The Dark Ages