European explorers pt 1
European explorers pt 2
Cooperation & Conflict
Columbus & Taino tribe
Navigation Tools

What COUNTRY did Bartolome de Las Casas, Christopher Columbus, Hernando de Soto, and Hernan Cortes explore for?

What is Spain?


The Conquistador known for conquering the Aztecs and building a Spanish Empire in their place.

Who is Hernan Cortes?


The CONTINENT colonizers/“explorers” from different COUNTRIES raced from to conquer and exploit the Americas.

What is Europe?


"But in truth, should I meet with gold .... in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them."

-Christopher Columbus

The main motivation of European explorers that Columbus expresses in this quote.

What is Gold? 

What is Gain wealth?


The navigation tool sailors used to determine their location.

What is astrolabe?


What COUNTRY did Sir Francis Drake and John Cabot explore for?

What is Great Britain?


The European explorer known for being the first European to discover the Mississippi River.

Who is Hernan de Soto?


The reason Spain, France, and Great Britain sponsored/ paid for “explorers” to go to the Americas.

What is expand/gain wealth and power?


"There I found very many islands, filled with innumerable people, and I have taken possession of them all for their Highnesses..."

-Christopher Columbus

The motivation Columbus is expressing in this quote.

What is Glory?


The triangular-shaped sail which allowed ships to move forward regardless of the wind.

What is Lateen Sail?


What COUNTRY did Jacques Cartier and Samuel Champlain explore for?

What is FRANCE?


The 3 motivations for Europeans to explore the world.

What is Gold, God, and Glory?


When native populations decreased, Europeans began capturing people from this CONTINENT and shipping them to the Americas to be sold into slavery. 

What is Africa?


The consequence for Taino if they didn’t conform by converting to Christianity or accepting the Spanish King as their ruler.

What is enslavement or death?


Inventions that made long-distance travel possible.

What are Navigation tools?


Who is known for speaking out against the poor treatment of Natives by Europeans ?

Who is Bartolomé de Las Casas?


The category God would fall under in if the categories are Economic, Political, and Social Motivation.

What is Social Motivation?


Natives lost their way of life due to these individuals forcing them to convert to Christianity.

Who are Missionaries?


The reason Columbus was kind to the Taino initially/ at first.

What is Columbus wanted the Taino’s gold.


The invention that could navigate using the sun and the stars.

What is astrolabe?


Who are the 3 explorers known for claiming land/ establishing settlements in Canada for their countries?

Who is John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, Samuel Champlain?


The category Glory would fall under in if the categories are Economic, Political, and Social Motivation.

What is Political Motivation?


Two reasons Europeans were able to defeat Native Americans.

What is Disease and Advanced weapons?


Christopher Columbus set out to find an all-water trade route. He DID NOT find it. Instead, he landed in the Americas and realized there was an ENTIRE CONTINENT there.

The CONTINENT and COUNTRY Columbus thought he landed on.

Where is India, Country in Asia?