It Happened in October

In the year of ______ Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

In the year of 1492.


 What have more presidents done in October than during any other month?

What is been born.

October could easily call itself “Presidents' Month.” Six presidents were born in October—John Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Chester Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Jimmy Carter.


True or False

Halloween is the most commercially successful holiday.



Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday coming behind Christmas.



True or False.

Skittles are the top selling Halloween Candy.



I walk through walls as I please.  Sometimes you can see me and sometimes you can't.  I moan and groan and rattle my chains.  You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles.  

What is a ghost.

Where was Columbus headed when he landed in the America's.

The West Indies/Asia.  


 What opened in Florida in October 1971? Hint: This is considered the happiest place on earth.

What is Disneyworld.


True or False

The first Jack O' Lanterns were made with turnips instead of pumpkins.


The pumpkin, native to North America, was adopted due to the easier time people had carving it compared to the traditional turnip.


True or False.

Dubble Bubble is pink because pink was the most beautiful color when the candy was first created.


Dubble Bubble is pink because it was the only dye available when the candy was first created.


I am a monster that has been on a diet.  There is no fat on me.  Actually there is no muscle either.  You might say I am just skin and bones...but without the skin. I rattle when I walk and my teeth chatter when I talk.

What is a skeleton.


Name the three ships Columbus sailed across the Atlantic.

What are the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.


The Beatles' first single: 'Love me Do,' was released on October 5. What was the year? 

a. 1910

b. 1941

c. 1962

d. 1976

c. 1962

And so began the British invasion!


True or False

The word "Halloween" is derived form a combination of "All Hallows Evening."


The word comes from the Scottish term and abbreviation for "All Hallows' Eve."



True or False.

Laffy Taffy features a joke on each wrapper, which is why it is called “Laffy” Taffy.


Most of the jokes are written by children.


Welcome and have a seat.  Dinner will be served shortly.  No garlic bread as I can not stand it.  What am I drinking you ask.  Don't worry it is just....uh...grape juice.  Now relax while I look at your neck.

What is a vampire.


What country financially supported Columbus and to whom he sailed his ships for.

What is Spain.


The first National Geographic Magazine was released in October of what year?

a. 1756

b. 1888

c. 1915

d. 1945

B. 1888


 Coco is a film about the holiday the Day of the Dead which is traditionally celebrated in which country?

A. China

B. Mexico

C. Canada

D. Germany

B. Mexico

True or False

Candy corn was originally called Chicken Feed.



I was wrapped in white and burried in a tomb long ago.  Now I wait in the dark with my golden treasures around me.  Outside the sand piles high over my tomb.

What is a mummy.


Name one of the reasons the Spanish royalty agreed to finance Columbus’ voyages?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to fund his voyage because they believed that if a whole new sea route was to be discovered that landed in the Indies it would help Spain have the upper hand in the competition against Portugal. Riches, silks, spices, wealth, new routes for trade, expansion of the Catholic religion.


 What went on sale and was shipped to its first customer for the first time on October 1, 1908? Think affordable vehicle...

The Model T was introduced to the world in 1908. Henry Ford wanted the Model T to be affordable, simple to operate, and durable. The vehicle was one of the first mass production vehicles, allowing Ford to achieve his aim of manufacturing the universal car. The Model T was manufactured on the Ford Motor Company’s moving assembly line at Ford’s revolutionary Highland Park Plant. Due to the mass production of the vehicle, Ford Motor Company could sell the vehicle for between $260 and $850 as Henry Ford passed production savings on to his customers.
The Model T was first tested by Henry Ford himself who took the vehicle on a hunting trip to Wisconsin and northern Michigan. The Model T became famous for the stunts it could perform including climbing the stairs of the Tennessee State Capitol and reaching the top of Pikes Peak. After the test of his own product, the vehicle was shipped to its first customer on October 1, 1908.


Which of the following terms refers to the fear of Halloween?

A. Samhainophobia

B. Black pumpkin syndrome

C. Spookitis

A. Samhainophobia


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?  The closest to the answer without going over gets this!

It takes between 364 and 411 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop.


Most of the time you would never guess I was different because I look just like you.  But about once a month I let down my hair and howl at the moon.  Once bitten you will be howling too.

What is a werewolf.