What is stress?
How we react when we feel under pressure or threatened.
Why is balance in life important?
Helps you lead a happier and more content life. It ensures your growth as an individual and secures your mental peace and well-being.
What is self-confidence?
Trusting in your own abilities, judgment and valuing yourself, regardless of any imperfections or what others may think about you.
What do VS include?
BP, pulse, SPO2, Temperature, respirations, and pain level.
What is the 3, 3, 3 rule for anxiety?
Look around you and name 3 things you see, then name 3 sounds you hear, and then move 3 parts of your body.
What are the six components of work/life balance?
Self management, time management, stress management, managing change, managing technology, managing leisure time.
What are ways to improve self-confidence?
Be kind to yourself, recognize your own strengths and build positive relationships
What is the name of the paper on the chart where the nurses write their observations, care provided, and patient's responses?
Nursing Notes
Why is it important to manage stress?
Can lower your risk for health conditions such as, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and depression.
Why is work/life balance important?
Helps maintain mental health.
What causes low self-confidence?
Stress and difficult life events.
What is a GCS composed of?
Eye opening, motor response, and verbal response.
What are four skills needed to manage stress?
Avoid, Alter, Accept, Adapt
What is quality of work/life balance?
Leads to lower levels of stress.
How can you help build self-confidence to other people?
Encourage them with their strengths and skills.
What is the name of the cardiac cycle during which the heat muscle contracts?
What are five stress management skills?
Exercise, deep breathing, meditation, connecting with others, manage social media time.
Family, friends, mentors, beliefs
What is the name of the medication that is given PRN to help treat mild pain and fever with an onset of 30 min-1 hr?