What is the consequence for earning a third Demerit in a time away
Demerit Half hour
What are the four questions we ask ourselves?
How am i feeling?
What does the young person feel need want or expect
How is the environment affecting the young person
How do i best respond
What does ARC stand for?
Attachment, Regulation, and Competency
How many Students can be on the blacktop unsupervised
What bar snack is used to make Dynamite
what is the consequence for Insitgation?
What are the three models of the Triune Brain
Name one of the Attachment Skills
Care Giver Affect Management, Attunement, Effective Response
What is the time for a late night?
10:50 weekdays
11:50 weekends
What common texting phrase is actually the name of 152 people in the United States
And most live in Wyoming
What is the consequence for Leaving the Campus Area and how much immediate time comes with it.
Type 3 , Immediate 5 hours of time apart.
Something that makes difficult behaviors or Traumatic stress responses more or less likely to occur is called what?
a Setting Condition
Name one of the Regulation Skills
Identifications, Modulation
What Levels need a pass when moving about campus?
What is the state vegetable of Oklahoma
The watermelon
Virginia and West Virginia do not have a state vegetable
What is the types of time apart do we have?
Immediate, Excessive, and Delayed
What are the 5 spaces in the Therapeutic Milieu
Ideological, Emotional, Cultural, Physical, social
Name One of the Competency Skills
Executive Function, Self Development, Relational Connection
What Times can MP3 players be used (without an IBIP)
Windows of Opportunity:
Saturday and Sunday: 1:30-4:30pm; 9:00pm-bedtime
Weekdays: 4:00pm-bedtime
Jurrassic Park came out in 1993, what movie came out a year later and had more CGI (Computer Generated Image) screen time
Forrest Gump
When Forrest ran through a jungle in Vietnam, and showed his table tennis skills, that was CGI. Even the feather at the opening scene is computer-generated. Overall, Forrest Gump has more minutes of CGI screen-time than Jurassic Park. another one of those funny facts that are hard to believe.
What are the desired out comes for a level two?
1. Recognizes that how others treat him depends largely on his actions.
2. Knows and can follow the rules of Timber Ridge School.
3. Has experienced that life is more enjoyable when he follows the rules.
Name the 8 Behavior Support Techniques
Manage the environment, Prompting, Hurdle Help, Caring Gesture, Redirection and Distraction, Directive Statement, Proximity, Time Away (quiet time)
Name one of the Authors of Treating Stress in Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents
Margaret Blaustein, Kristine Kinniburgh
What are designated Cottage times and when are they?
Times when students are to be in the unit
Su-th 9pm
F & S 10 pm
A full grown elephant weighs as much as this body part from a Blue Whale