Negative Effects of Overuse
How to responsibly use electronics
True or False

Youth who watch more than 5 hours of t.v. a day are five times more likely to be _______ compared to those who watch from 0-2 hours. 

What is overweight?

Mario's first job.

What is Carpenter?


What do you do if a pop up appears on your screen saying you've won a million dollars?

What is, exit the pop-up as you know this is going to be a virus or scam?


Everything you see on the internet is true as anyone can post their knowledge for others to learn.

False. Because anyone can post anything, must of what is online is not true. 


This decreases your sleep quality by blocking your bodies ability to produce melatonin. 

What is Blue Light?


What Pikachu evolves into.

What is Raichu?


For every 20 minutes you spend looking at a screen you should get up and move your body for ____ minutes. 

What is five? 


50% of technology users will click a notification within 30 seconds of receiving it.

What is true?

Social media can be a great way to stay connected to others. However, for those who are regularly overusing it, 44% still feel what negative emotion, EVEN when they are with their friends and family.


If Minecraft was a real place, it would be the size of which planet?
What is Neptune?

The ages that the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests should have consistent limits on technology use. 

What is between the ages of 5-18?


If I post something online and later regret it, I don't need to worry because I can always go back and delete it! It's like it never happened.

What is false? Despite being able to delete things, once it's posted it is out there for others to do as they wish. People can screenshot what you post and some may be able to retrieve data that has been deleted. 
In the 2000's, the average attention span was 12 seconds. Since then it has decreased to what number?

What is 8 seconds?


What is the most popular social media platform in 2022?

What is Facebook?

The time that electronics should be shut off before bed.

What is one hour?


Fortnite is lame.

what is FALSE.


The slang term for bad posture and neck pain from looking down at screens for too long.

What is Tech Neck?


Social Media and game developers use scientifically proven strategies to get people _____________ to playing/scrolling online. 

What is addicted?


Before making an account or signing up for something online, you should always check ________?

What is the age requirements.

What is check with adults.


The average person spends 8 hours on different media devices per day.

What is false? The average person spends OVER TEN hours on different media devices per day.