What is the name of the main soundtrack in Titanic?
Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On
How many parts Star Wars have?
Nine parts
What disease has the main actress in The Fault in Our Stars?
Picture 1
Ace age
Ледниковый период
Free points!!!
Sing a song from Shrek
How many people played Spider-Man?
Three people (Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield)
What is home address of Sherlock Holmes?
221B Baker Street
Picture 2
Die Hard
Крепкий орешек
For which film Adelle wrote her song "Skyfall"
James Bond
How many degrees Fahrenheit?
Free points!!!
But first, tell a joke :)
Picture 3
The Silence of the Lambs
Молчание ягнят
Which Ryan Gosling movie is this song from?
If you wanted to watch Marvel movies in chronological order, which movie would you include first?
Captain America: The First Avenger
From which movie got Leonardo DiCaprio his first Oscar?
The Revenant
Picture 4
Some Like It Hot
В джазе только девушки
Who wrote music for such films as "Dune", "Blade Runner", "Interstellar", "Inception"
Hans Zimmer
What is the highest—grossing film in the history of cinema?
What is the main award of the Cannes Film Festival?
Golden Palm
Picture 5
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Х
Хороший, плохой, злой