Sitting in front of computer for a long time and making less movements negatively affects our structure. It can also cause pains in our spines, hands and legs.
Excessive use of computer also becomes the reason of body pain. It can be dangerous for you as body pain is the serious problem. Therefore try to avoid spending extra time on it.
What is the Reliability of information?
about how much it is correct and real. Incorrect information can lead to incorrect use
What is Collaborative work?
We can use Google Drive for team works. It gives us an opportunity to work on one document together at the same time. Users can view, comment, or even make changes to online documents
What is Netiquette?
set of rules on how to behave while talking on the Internet.
Where current programs are stored temporarily?
Keep at least ____ centimeters away from the monitor. This allows space between your face and your monitor
- Understandable form and language to receivers
- The same information can be presented in different forms.
How to create a gmail account? 4 steps
1. Open a web browser and go to
2. Click on Create an account. It opens Sign-up form.
3. Follow the instructions and fi ll in the required information.
4. If you fi ll the questions correctly, you will see the Google welcome page
Which rule means somehow “shouting” and a rude tone
Capital letters
CPU and ________must be compatible with each other
Which of the risks above do you face while using computer?
Cause Face Wrinkles
- Usefulness in a specific situation to solve a problem
Can you tell advantages of using Google Drive? Cost,Collaboration,Access
- Cost - Google gives every user 15 GB of free storage.
- Collaboration - Confidently share your files so others can access them.
- Access - You can access your files from any device using any operating system. All you need is Internet access. Simply log in to your Google account.
no one can see you or hear your tone of voice. If you’re not sure how your messages will be seen, insert an emoticon or a _________
CPU’s speed is measured in ?
Megahertz (MHz) and Gigahertz (GHz).
If you are going to use a computer longer than an hour, you should have an ______ monitor. They do not put out radiation, and such a bright glare
Imagine that you are talking by phone and cannot hear your friend properly because of some noise. So, in this case, you do not get full information.
To import a supported file from the desktop, open your Google Drive. Then, drag the file from the desktop into your Google Drive. If you wish to upload the document to a specific folder, open that folder before beginning the import.
This text is about which method?
Drag and Drop Method
verbal attack
response – жауап – ответ
verbal attack – ауызша шабуыл –словесная атака
rude – дөрекі – грубый
5 things to consider when buying a computer:
CPU, Video card, RAM, HDD or SSD,Motherboard
How to stay healthy while using compute for a long time?
1should have an LCD monitor
2Use eye drops in your eyes
3Keep at least 60 centimeters away from the monitor
4Try to stand up at least once an hour. glasses (Anti-Refl ective Coating)
1 relevant
2 particular
3 naive
relevant - өзекті - актуальный
particular - нақтылы - конкретный
naive - аңқау - наивный
3drag and drop
required – қажетті – обязательный
features – мүмкіндіктер - особенности
drag and drop – жылжыту –перетаскивание
Do not start discussing immediately but read previous messages before you post.
Which rule is this?
Read before
compatible – үйлесімді – совместимый
performance – өнімділік - производительность
features – мүмкіндіктер - функции