This is the number for Pager.
(602) 277-4833 ext. 306
(602) 277-4833 ext. 3
Known as the father of psychoanalysis, this Austrian Shrink started his practice in Vienna in 1886.
Sigmund Freud
Games and Get to Know Yous. This is used at the beginning of coaching to form a relationship with the client.
Known as the meeting place of the Continental Congress before and during the Revolutionary War, this American city is considered by some to be America's first capitol.
Known as the "King of Pop" this thrilling music artist was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958.
Michael Jackson
This is the AYFS office address.
3707 N. 7th Street
Suite #200
Phoenix, Arizona 85014
Born in 1904, this Harvard Academic is credited with founding the psychological school of behaviorism.
B.F. Skinner
"That would be really hard. I can see why you feel that way."
Validation of Feelings
This is the Greek Goddess associated with Love and Beauty.
This young artist first gained public attention in 2015 with her debut single "Ocean Eyes."
Billie Eilish
This was the year that AYFS was founded.
This German professor was the first to distinguish between the fields of philosophy and psychology and refer to himself as a psychologist.
Wilhelm Wundt
Get Home from School
Eat Snack
Do Homework
Visual Schedule
Known as "Rome of the East" this empire survived long after the fall of Rome was completed in 476.
Byzantine Empire
Centered around police officer John McClane, this action film is considered by some to be a Christmas movie.
Die Hard
This is the number of interventions per target behavior that you use for a note if your shift is 2 hours or under.
1 Intervention per target behavior.
This style of therapy involves the story-telling of a person's life.
Narrative Therapy
"I can see why you're angry with your sister, but have you thought that maybe she looks up to you and just wants to spend time with you?"
Cognitive Reframing
Known as China's Golden Age, this Chinese Dynasty was noted for efficient reign of government and economic prosperity.
Han Dynasty
Released in 2009, this SciFi film (with echoes of Pochantes and shades of blue) captured 9 Academy Awards
This current staff member was one of the first coaches ever hired by AYFS.
Greg Penniston.
Born in 1913, this American psychiatrist is known as a pioneer of Family Systems Theory.
Murray Bowen
squeeze stress ball 5x
run your hands under warm water for 10 seconds
Play with your fidget toy for 1 minute
let mom wrap you up in your blanket
Sensory Diet
This Austrian royal was assassinated in 1914, which resulted in the beginning of World War I.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
This mystery solving doggo began his adventures in the 1960s.